Thursday, May 3, 2018

Yellow Jacket facts

Yellow strange insects (Yellow Wasp Yellow Jacket or insects)

Western Yellow Jacket Vespula pensylvanica Yellow Jacket Vespula East German maculifrons Yellow Jacket Vespula germanica - introduced species.
Description The yellow jacket is an insect predator that North American built a large nest to house the colony.
These averages social wasps bees are black with yellow markings on the front of the head and yellow stripes around the abdomen Face is mostly yellow with dark eyes wings before Vespidae are bent resting length Large antennas are visible because of their size, shape and color of these wasps are sometimes confused with bees yellow jackets closest relatives, hornets, closely resemble them, but have a much larger head.
Yellow Jackets are common visitors to picnics and parks in the summer because they are attracted to meat, fruits and soft drinks.
Yellow Jackets habitat range are common in the world and are particularly abundant in the southeastern United States.

Food yellow jackets are carnivorous, feeding mainly on other insects such as flies and bees They also feed on a picnic, fruits, carrion, and nectar from flowers Yellow Jackets feed for about 1 mile from their nest .
Note Bees collect carbohydrates nectar and flower pollen proteins and are not attracted to meat.
Yellow jackets are social insects that live in large colonies of the queen, drones and workers all have specific tasks to help support the colony The queen lays hundreds of eggs MALE UAVs The main function is to be ready to fertilize the queen of workers are receptive all the different tasks necessary to operate and maintain the nest.
Other insects mimic exposure to yellow jackets color imitators like the aggressive yellow jacket to avoid predation.
All social wasps are capable of producing a painful sting, but leave no integrated stinger in the skin, like the bee workers Most bites occur when the colony is disturbed The goal is for the wasps to protect the site the nest Wasps are very protective of their colony and attack if someone approaches a few feet from the nest.

When a bee sting or wasp injects a poisonous fluid under the skin of the victim have a yellow jacket Stinger smooth, they can sting more than once and the bite can be very painful.
In Colorado, the western yellow jacket is estimated to cause at least 90 percent of bee stings in the state.
In spring, the queen yellow jacket collects wood fiber to nest The nest is made of a material similar to paper made from chewed wood fibers mixed with saliva Some species build underground nest in old burrows, while others build nests in or around Yellow Jacket German homes.
The nest contains several layers of cells that look like bee comb nest is started with a single queen, called the Founder.

Wasp nests can be enormous See a photo of a yellow jacket nest that has swept the inside of a 1955 Chevrolet.
Nests are built each year The abandoned nest is often destroyed by birds in search of food.
Queens are the only members of the colony able to survive the winter in April or May, each queen chooses a suitable location, built a small nest and begins to raise the girl sterile offspring These workers support them functions of the expansion and maintenance of the nest, the foraging for food and child care, while the Queen of functions only to produce more eggs.
The bee queen lays all the eggs in a colony The queen fertilizes each egg as it is made using the stored sperm to the basal time to time the Queen will not fertilize an egg These unfertilized eggs, having only half as many genes as the queen or the workers, become male drones.

The mature colony consists of a queen, 2000 - 4000 winged infertile workers, nesting eggs, larvae and pupae and, in late summer, the men and women in matters of reproduction.
Yellow Jackets live in large groups called colonies.
Nests are home to thousands of yellow jackets.
Drones from unfertilized eggs Since drones are male, they sting.
Female wasps sting repeatedly to protect the colony.

Most wasps feed on insects, while the bees feed on nectar or pollen food.
Yellow Jacket wheel found in a house in Seattle during the winter photo by Tim Knight.

Yellow Jacket facts, yellow jacket, yellow jacket Vespula, Yellow Jacket German.