Monday, April 30, 2018

Worker killed by a robot car factory Volkswagen The Independent

Robot Kills Volkswagen factory worker in Germany

A worker in a factory Volkswagen in Germany has died after a robot grabbed and crushed against a metal plate.
The man aged 22 died in hospital after the tragic incident at a plant in Baunatal Monday, about 100 km north of Frankfurt.
These deaths are rare as robots are usually kept behind cages to prevent contact with humans, but the worker would have been inside the safety cage when he was injured, according to the Financial Times.
The victim worked as part of a team to install the robot when he grabbed hold of him, according to the German automaker.
Volkswagen spokesman Heiko Hillwig told The Associated Press that officials believe that human error was to blame for the incident, rather than a problem with the robot.
Prosecutors are now considering laying charges, and if so, against which German news agency DPA.

A spokesman for Volkswagen said earlier this week, independent contractor was injured when installing the machines in a factory in Kassel.
He died later at his injuries and our thoughts are with his family hospital.
We make sure a thorough investigation of the incident and can not comment further at this time.
Meet the robots - the strange creations of Boston Dynamics.
Meet the robots - the strange creations of Boston Dynamics.

1 6 The LS3 is on all fours, intelligent robot with an array of cameras and sensors that allow, for example, to follow a leader in all types of terrain.
June 2 The eeriest of all robots Boston Dynamics, the Petman could - among others - chemical compounds test.
June 3 big brother Petman, Atlas can be used as a first response to disasters.
June 4 RHex was developed to cross the field and delicate can be controlled from 700 meters.

May 6 Built for speed, cheetah can run at 28 3 mph - and can prove it on the treadmill.
6 6 remote control car with a difference - it can jump 30ft in the air wouldn t you want for Christmas.

Worker killed by a robot car factory Volkswagen The Independent, worker, robot, volkswagen, plant.