Tuesday, March 13, 2018

ToV Germany

Family Guy - Jewish Wedding (FULL)

Largely influenced by Clemenceau, Article 231 has given peace makers the right to punish Germany, and they tried to prevent war by weakening the Germans so they would never be able to go to war again.
Germany lost the land of Alsace-Lorraine was given in France was given Malmedy in Belgium Northern Schleswig was given to Denmark after a plebiscite Memel was given to Lithuania West Prussia, including the Polish Corridor and Upper Silesia were given to Poland Danzig was made a free city This was designed to weaken Germany a smaller country, Clemenceau reasoned, would be less of a problem in all, Germany has lost 10 of its land, 12 of its population, 16 of its coal and half of its iron industry and steel in Germany had less land, less people, less taxes and less energy.
In fact, all that power and wealth was given to the enemies of Germany, who got over the Saar coal mines were given in France for 15 years this was also the case for the German Empire, which was dismembered the German colonies were the mandates of the League of Nations, but were supported by France Cameroons, Britain Tanganyika, the islands of Japan in the Pacific, Australia, New Guinea and New Zealand Samoa Moreover, Germany was forbidden to unite the Austrian Anschluss, which was designed to maintain low Germany.
The Rhineland was to be demilitarized This was to protect France against future invasion by creating a buffer zone between France and Germany This weakened the Germans so they could not even ask internal riots when they sent in the army to deal with a rebellion in April 1920 the french invaded to make the leave of the German army.

The treaty limited the German armed forces only 100 000 men in the army, no submarines or airplanes, and only six battleships Moreover, conscription was banned soldiers had to be voluntary The idea was to reduce the armed forces of Germany to a size where they could endanger the countries surrounding German cartoons of the era show the German army too small to defend against even small dungervolk like Czechoslovakia and Germany was to thank you France, which invaded again in 1923 to take in kind reparation payments that Germany's still helping the treaty could not pay excluded Germany from the League of Nations in Germany could not defend the strength, or the League.
The Treaty of local decisions affected the German economy The loss of Saarland reduced industrial strength of Germany The loss of West Prussia won the richest agricultural land in Germany, but repairs have made the greatest economic damage to Germany had to pay for all the damages of the war finally set at a sum Ј6,600 million in installments until 1984 This ruin the German economy, damaged by war, and led to the hyperinflation in 1923.

ToV Germany, germany, Germany lost ground.