Thursday, January 25, 2018

Some tips Guess How Gender

Tips Pregnancy: How to identify a boy or girl in pregnancy

Fun facts which gender is the most common gender affects our thinking.
Click here for Duden German article which includes fun following facts.
98 7 German names have one genre Just under 1 3 can be used with both sexes, and 02 can be used with three sexes Less 0 1 names have no gender at all eg AIDS, Allerheiligen one day holiday.
Among the names with a unique kind 46 are female, 34 male and 20 castrated Thus, in case of doubt about the kind of names, die guess.
Click here for a typically fascinating article on the results of the actual empirical research on how language affects the way we think here are some things this article said about gender.

Does treating chairs as masculine and beds as feminine in the grammar make Russian speakers think of chairs as being more like men and beds as more like women in a way that it is done this in a study, we asked German and Spanish speakers to describe objects having opposite gender assignment in both languages ​​descriptions they gave differed in a way predicted by grammatical gender, for example, when asked to describe a key word is masculine in German and feminine in Spanish German speakers were more likely to use words like hard, heavy, jagged, metal, serrated, and useful, while speakers Spaniards were more likely to say gold, complex, little, beautiful, shiny and tiny describing a bridge, which is feminine in German and masculine in Spanish, the German speakers law said, legant fragile, peaceful, pretty and thin, and Spanish speakers have said great, dangerous, long, strong, sturdy and imposing This was true even if all the tests were conducted in English, a language without grammatical gender The same type of results also appeared in entirely non-linguistic tasks such similarity rating between images and we can also show that there are aspects of language in itself that shape the way people think teaching English new kind of systems grammatical influences mental representations of objects in the same way it does with German and Spanish speakers apparently even small grammar, moats as seemingly arbitrary allocation of such a name, can have an effect on people's ideas of concrete objects in the world.
In fact, you do not even need to get into the lab to see the effects of the language; you can see with your own eyes in an art gallery look at some famous examples of personification in the art how the abstract entities such as death, sin, victory, or time are given human form How does an artist decide whether death, for example, or the time to be painted as a man or a woman it happens in 85 percent of these personifications, either a male or female character is chosen is predicted by gender grammatical word in the native language of the artist for example, the German painters are more likely to paint death as a man, as Russian painters are more likely to paint death as a woman.

Some tips Guess How Gender, some, guess, sex, German Spanish.