Friday, December 15, 2017

Old School German cars Page 3

German Classic Cars in Krefeld Meeting in May 2014

No way you got 500 horsepower on NA M30 Do you have a video or something.
I do not know how a video would help - unless it was the dyno run-- but sorry, no no video, dyno sheets, time slips off the track or has never been anything more I just never thought I capture images of the car when we work, pulling the engine, get the block and head back machinist, all different goodies that came in and on, but that was on an old computer just never thought it was worth saving I guess I should have been more precise in that it peaked at 500hp when running around town on 110LL granted to maintain the valves and pistons well, the rest of the merger, and as a lubricant added just over 400 which is less than twice the stock hp I guess it seems a hard thing to believe, but when you think about it, there is one much untapped potential in this engine 2 and there NA 4-cylinder drag cars I remember some years ago a Celica 1000hp engine is normally aspirated I think it was featured in an import tuner magazin e and was set up to look like a funny car that make more power than course they work on NitroMeth, but there are other ways to make the power that forced induction, I was not about to spend 4000 on a supercharger kit that would make 70 more horsepower when I could go to the place alone on the machine work.
I was working on these cars and these engines for years; I knew what I was doing, I had an incredible machinist who knew what he was doing; we live Rockingham Dragway close to stone, and I had a lot of money and time to burn it re videos on YouTube a series turbo 1000bhp 5, they got to the coil power this thing I do not know if is a turbo race series or not.
Yes, the switch, my Bimmer makes around 500hp, and yes, I will certainly take that as a compliment helluva The only evidence would be now if you're driving a Ferrari in the mountains of Virginia and a 91 5 GOES series flames popping breath for you with a big-assed skinhead not lead, he won t me, I sold to a friend of mine who would be the car Ask him.
This post made me think of the Chinese Chang Jiang motorcycle is actually a copy of the death German stock BMW R71 1938.
This is the bike you see in the news of Hitler riding with his motorcade and security escort Russians took the plans and return equipment to the USSR in 1945, where they produced the bike within 90 s They also sold the planes to their Chinese allies and now the Chinese sell you a whole choppered cruise boulevard They even an import company set up so you can buy a state side terrribly Not fast indeed, but very tourque, look and of course, the legacy I'm thinking of getting myself.

I ma fan W123 I love these diesels so solid If the Wehrmacht had the strength of their attack to the east would be made in Moscow Stalins using a hair gel as fuel 10g If I had the money I will lead this immaculate 6 9450 salt My other dream a 2 190th 5-16v Cosworth but that should be imported not sold in the States.
I can still see W123s be conducted as daily drivers Surprisingly durable vehicles by how your donation links t work.

Old School German cars Page 3, German cars, just never thought.