Monday, October 16, 2017

IBHistoryE Cartoon Analysis

League Cartoon Analysis - # 39; Gap in the bridge # 39;

How to interpret this cartoon 1 Context-- what was happening at the time 2 Content-- what happens in the cartoon 3 Comment-- what is the meaning of a cartoon.
The symbols look for Uncle Sam America, John Bull Britain, Germany Swastika, etc.
September 22 11 Legend Clemenceau Vampire Origin German newspaper 1919 Background -Germany had just been defeated in WW1 -The ToV was signed in 1919 -Had written by the big three and imposed on Germany -Clemenceau wanted to ruin Germany -ToV blamed Germany for the war -ToV made her pay reparations for all damage -Germany has lost much ground -Germany lost the majority of its armed forces of the German people hate the Treaty; called content -A woman dictates, appearing sick and vulnerable vampire bad -A mine -Weapons suck blood of women set aside bats -Two outside the window - more vampires -window is open - curtains blow Comment - Germany daughter -Vampire blood -Sucking Clemenceau take weapons repairs -Discarded the German army had been dismantled by the Treaty of Versailles -Two more bats Britain and America -window open Germany is powerless to defend.
German newspaper origin, June 1919 Background -Germany had been defeated in WW1 -ToV was signed in 1919 -ToV was written by the Big Three -Germany had to pay reparations for damages caused during WW1 -Clemenceau wanted to -Three men avenge content dressed in nice clothes without German-shirt on and his hands ties behind the back, approaching a guillotine Comment -Germany saw his punishment as a death sentence -Germany had his hands tied behind his back which represents impotence, it was and how they had no freedom to negotiate the signing of ToV -Clemenceau is the one who holds the rope; it is he who does the killing, while the other two are just letting it happen.

Clemenceau is represented as the executioner, while Lloyd George holds what could be treated, and Wilson is simply a standing spectator aside the uncertain search This sends the message that Clemenceau was the main person in Germany shall be responsible for the Guillotine French treaty represents the execution weapon, emphasizing revenge of France on Germany origin British magazine 1920 -ToV Context was signed -The Big Three wrote ToV and imposed on Germany -The Tiger was content nickname Clemenceau -A child crying in the corner - 1940 class written on the child treated -Peace lying on the ground -Clemenceau recognizing the lament of the child, but seems confused by the comment -The treaty is fair lying on the ground, and seems to have been scrapped, meaning that it was good, by the artists, worthless -The cartoonist continues the opinion of the treaty because of the child, which is the future soldier, who will be the cannon fodder and will suffer from the war in the future that will arise because the treaty won t work -The three major represented are unaware of this, as described by Clemenceau's calling the lament the curious child, and because Clemenceau wanted the treaty to happen; or he didn t see or he didn t care.
Mother remembers me Vote for Poland Silesia in 1921.
Trying to appeal to nationalism; the girl holding the Polish flag; with a cute little child; when you go to vote, it is not for you, it is about your child; how do you they grow.

IBHistoryE Cartoon Analysis, comic 1919 Background -Germany, Origin German newspaper.