Tuesday, August 29, 2017

German vocabulary related to automotive and German Europe

Learn German English vocabulary - English vocabulary German driving lesson part 1

spend, spend not exceed überholen r Überholverbot.
Roadway, road paving Floor Covering r e Straße off the road pavement von der Straße Abkommen.
By pro Gallone gallon In the metric system, the fuel consumption is measured in liters per 100 km instead of km per liter Example 15 miles per gallon 10 l auf about 100 km gallon U S A e Gallone 3785 liters; an Imperial gallon 4546 liters.
Electric locks E Power power brakes Zentralverriegelung mirrors elektrische Spiegel roof Elektrisches power steering e Servolenkung electric windows of elektrische Fensterheber.
Pressure r Druck oil pressure r Öldruck tire pressure of the tire r Reifendruck.
Radiator r Kühler - r radiator cap Kühlerverschlussdeckel - radiator fan r Kühlerventilator radiator grill r Kühlergrill.

Rear-end rear-end collision Heck r Auffahrunfall car.
R reverse Rückwärtsgang - Gänge drive in reverse rückwärts Fahren backup lights backup Rückfahrscheinwerfer.
Right side drive rechts right rechts fahren links on the left to the right side of the road auf der Seite RECHTEN.
Right of way e Vorfahrt it the right way Vorfahrt er hat.
Straße route e - n, e Landstraße - No road atlas Straßenatlas e - e Straßensperre dam - road construction road map Straßenbau n r e Strassenkarte - No rage e Aggressivität im Straßenverkehr roadside, shoulder route r floor Straßenrand e Fahrbahn Straße the German word can have several meanings in English, including the road or track other words the street th German Allee avenue, boulevard, parkway, route e Gasse, Weg r, road, path e Chaussee avenue, boulevard, and e Bundesstraße federal road.

Snow tires Reifen M S r - r Winterreifen - Rating M S Reifen und Matsch- mud and snow tires are Schneereifen Schneereifen snow shoes.
Speedometer tachometer r Note that the tachometer is a German word speedometer An English tachometer is a tachometer Drehzahlmesser German Greek speed tachometers.
Driving Steuerrad s Lenkrad steering wheel am Steuer.
Straße street e - n e street corner Straßenecke - No map Street Strassenkarte e - n Straßenschild s street sign - er Straße The German word can have several meanings in English See above to the road more.

Tachograph, tachograph r Fahrtenschreiber - A tachograph electronically records a truck driver or bus speed, as well as driving and rest The EU requires travel recorders for security reasons on the latest European roads, models more tamper-proof digital now replacing analog recorders travel more.
Toll bridge, toll Maut e - in toll charges for trucks LKW e-Maut - Germany presented a LKW-Maut for trucks using its autobahn system August 31, 2003.
Anhänger trailer r - r Sattelauflieger - truck.

German vocabulary related to automotive and German Europe, German, driving, europe, German word Straße.