Tuesday, August 15, 2017

German Fun Facts

10 Fun Facts about Germany

Here is a list of some German fun facts interesting that we noticed during our travels throughout Germany German Some of these fun facts might seem odd to the outside, but we swear it's the truth and nothing but the truth.
By the way, have you ever wondered what it's like to live in Germany in a new country If yes, go to our new e-book one year in Germany, it is a travel diary I kept during our fist year in this wonderful country is full of adventures and thoughts we had when we arrived a year in Germany NEW travelog eBook, for fun and discovery.
There are over 82 million people living in Germany and that, for a country the size of Montana, USA Germany is 357,021 km2, slightly less than Montana making it one of the most densely populated countries in the world .
Although there are many people who live in Germany, the Germans managed to keep nearly 1 March, 31 of the country covered by forests and woodlands and, as you rarely see any buildings above the mountains you have the feeling of being surrounded by green vegetation and wilderness nearby that made Germany one of the most beautiful countries in Europe.

Quark in Germany does not refer to a quantum physic concept at least, not only that, but a kind of cheese is made usually skim milk and has the consistency of thick yogurt is indeed made of cheese not processed or curd It does not taste great and is used to make desserts such as cheesecakes.
The work week in Germany also includes Saturday Thus, when looking at a timetable for the bus or train and it is written work days Werktage they mean Saturday too, although most shops close at 13 pm on Saturday after -Midi mail also comes on Saturday morning.
Even if they have one of the best public transportation systems in the world, many Germans have a car they love cars - just think of famous brands such as BMW, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz and the autobahn where you can drive at 300 km per hour.
In my Mann, only in Germany you can be almost hit by a supermodel bike several times a day.
There are hundreds of castles in Germany Some are still inhabited by aristocratic families, others have been converted into hotels and restaurants, and others are in ruins All have their charm and attraction are in Germany .
You have to try a German kind of bread a day for almost a whole year to be able to enjoy all there are over 300 different kinds of bread in Germany.

Germans really do love beer; They rank second in the consumption of beer in the world per person after Ireland Bier is officially considered a food in Bavaria, where the normal beer glass size, mass is 1 liter.
Germany is the cheapest in Europe to buy beer, but also the most difficult in which to make a choice - there are more than 1500 different brands and types of beer in this country, we recommend the dark beers - the Dunklesbier rich and creamy, it is the perfect cool drink after a walk or on a sunny terrace with friends.
Germans like beer so much that they even have an expression with her Das ist nicht mein Bier meaning it's not my business.
When you answer the phone, the Germans do not say Hi or Hello or Hallo, they first say their surname At first it might surprise you, wondering if you called the right place or if you have a store or a body at the other end of the line after a year, I still can not bring myself to do it.

The Germans are very curious to know who their potential employees will be that they want to see a picture on the resume and whether you are married or not such a thing would be considered a violation of privacy or other countries.
Schools are not really all full-time in Germany as some of them end at 1pm or nearly so, the children are sent home for the whole afternoon with homework to do, and as he are more and more families where both parents work, it creates a bad situation children are often left by themselves, or are in the streets because there is not enough after-school child care spaces available after school activities and there is a push to change the system and quite a few courses have changed already.
There are more football soccer for North American fans clubs in Germany than anywhere else in the world.
It is a fact German pleasure that dogs are kings in Germany, they can go almost everywhere first class restaurants, trains and buses, even the clothing stores and bookstores, but not in a Butcher butchery and rarely in Konditorei or a Bakerei They even have their own swimming pools.
Here true German Fun Facts We swear.
An unfurnished apartment or house in Germany means exactly that there is no furniture of any kind, including kitchen cabinets, bedroom closets and fixtures Sometimes there is even no toilet in the bathroom for such an environment, recycling, reuse friendly country like Germany, it makes no sense at all.

At the end of the lease tenants have the rare opportunity to sell cabinets and cupboards to the owner or other tenants, or take it with them, or, as many of them do, discard.
So when choosing a rental place be sure to ask what is included You might end up having to pay in the first month for 2-3 month rental and Kaution deposit, plus a refrigerator, oven, stove, kitchen cabinets, bathroom and bedroom cupboards, lamps etc. You will need a loan from your bank just to cover these costs.
And the only people who make money from such a system are cabinet makers and companies like IKEA Perhaps this is due to their lobbying.
Germans like Paprika, not just spices, vegetables too, one we call green pepper or capsicum, that they love is red and they put the Hungarian paprika in anything that can be eaten You can hardly find a bag of chips without even the coming of French potatoes apples, potatoes and meaning in this case, the chips have a Paprika on them then, before coming here, you might want to bring bags non- paprika chips with you.
Small German Fun facts for those who like their comfort.

Toilet paper in Germany smoothness and uniformity of paper towels back, I think at home that the Germans do not charge believe smoothly for lacrosse.
Germans, like most Scandinavian countries, do not sleep between sheets They like to sleep with a sheet underneath and a quilt directly on them and their pillows are rectangular they like very large fluffy square pillows.
Don t go for the bleach or bleach in grocery stores, you can find the approximate equivalent in Drogerie as the Klorix or Klorex or something similar to that name, usually in a blue bottle gift Germans t use much of this stuff, even at water treatment facilities they use other, more environmentally friendly technologies to clean water in cities.
As there is no sound like English w and v f is pronounced like the BMW is actually called Be like the Bay of M Ve as in Vay and Volkswagen is a Folksvagen And Vikings is written Wikings.

You may experience strange names for places like fucking a small town in Germany, Assmanhausen means hause man Ace, Titting, river Volkhof pronounce Folkhof as V is like an F, so just try to keep a straight face when you hear them, they do not mean anything in German, as you think about this moment.
Why not take a few courses and learn all Deutsch.
The biggest beer festival in the world is of course the Oktoberfest in Munich, Bavaria, where the size of the glass of beer is not 500ml but a whole liter, Mass.
Bavaria also the oldest brewery of Germany still in operation, funded in 1040 by the Benedictine monks in Freising Weihenstephan Brewery is perhaps the oldest still operating in the world.
As mentioned earlier, there are many types of beer in Germany Pils Blonde Pilsener to DunklesBier very dark and Schwarzbier All very good and cheap Even the smallest region usually has its own brewery.

For a beer in Germany, you show your thumb to show your first finger means you want 2 beers with a thumb and a finger with unless you really want 2 beers, watch this show you finger.
If you want to know more about Germany click one of these ebooks a year in Germany and our highly successful eGuide, How to move without pain in Germany.
Two perfect gifts for those who want to know more about the real Germany.
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German Fun Facts, German, facts, cupboards light room, bedroom wardrobes LIGHTING.