Friday, June 16, 2017

Examples of Onomatopoeia noise and sound words

Electric Company - onomatopoeia

The words that imitate sounds or noises they make reference to examples of onomatopoeia.
A t the intersection where noise meets the language, we have a wonderful collection of English words which are imitations of the sounds they represent, we hear the boom of an explosion, the sound of a jet and hiss of a snake Some of these words can also function as birds chirping sound sirens verbs and crash cars words that are imitations of the sounds to which they refer are examples of onomatopoeia.
Examples of onomatopoeia abound in other languages, although somewhat surprising, the words used to describe the same sounds are often not the same in different languages ​​Pork Farm of Old MacDonald, for example, says Oink Oink in English, but the groin to groin french, German Grunz and buu buu in Japanese This is because the sounds are not produced by the human throat can not be approached by sounds we can say, different languages ​​and have different sounds available to form words as in the case of certain animals, such as frogs, they actually do make different sounds in different parts of the world because they are different species.
Here is a list of over 100 words associated with onomatopoeic sounds Some words are presented more than once because they mimic sounds fall more than one category.
Hum, grunt, Mutter, gossip, or yak yak, blab, Lisp, snicker, snicker, laugh, groan, bawl, scream, shout, hoot.
Shh, whistling, smooch, cost, slap, crunch, Munch, trait, spindle, by sputtering, splutter, drooling, coughing, sniffing, snorting, hiccups, Huff, sniffing, snoring, roter.

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Examples of Onomatopoeia noise and sound words, examples, onomatopoeia, the sound.