Thursday, June 8, 2017

Eli Yishai Israeli ministers should not drive German cars Yeshiva World News

סרט הבר מצווה של אמיתי: שורשים וזכות אבות - מעבר לקווי האויב !! Bar-Mitzvah in Damascus

Eli Yishai Israeli ministers should not drive German cars.
Shas ministers are opposing plans to make Audi the official supplier of vehicles to the Israeli government, saying it was unacceptable that government ministers drive vehicles manufactured in Germany.
An Israeli company which imports Audi and Skoda cars in Israel recently won a government tender to supply cars Audi A6 and Skoda Superb ministers of the Government of Israel relied on to provide Volvo cars since its officials the creation of the state.
Minister without portfolio Yitzhak Cohen sent Prime Minister Ehud Olmert a letter in which he writes, I am surprised to hear that one of the proposed car is made in Germany This is not a technical choice, but has a deep fundamental and symbolic aspect.
I suggest that readers YW bombard the Israeli government with e-mail, fax, etc. Protesting against the use of German-made cars for departmental use The symbolism is huge and Israel should show a high sensitivity to hundreds of thousands of survivors and surviving children of the Holocaust Maadanim.
Remember that Henry Ford was, and pro-Nazi and anti-Jewish.

Ford products shouldn t of America is also prohibited to the Israeli government.
I wondered what the logic is behind excludes Audis.
4 s it not logical, it's emotional, there is no justifiable mathematical equation that explains why I buy anything German, there is a visceral reaction based on the experience of my family in Germany the 1930s and 1940s.
I agree with Eli Yishai But I think that the Israeli government should buy American cars to their politicians The US funds the Israeli government to the tune of two billion dollars per year Doesn t the US government deserves the appreciation and recognition for what they do.

I agree with 5 that it is not logical but emotional, because at the 1, Israel should not buy anything from almost all countries of the world, because at some point during this long golus, each country has been involved in opressing Jews.
The answer is that the Holocaust is too close in time, and there are still people who live ad me ah v Esrim who lived it.
Bubby, how to buy two cars Americam fact, making them shareholders in American society a little richer shown great appreciation for her not even a blip on the radar screen.
Much of what we do is PSYCHOLOGICAL begins and is based on the heart when the Roar emotions, listen carefully, think of the brain of the website and deceide I d buy motor bikes for the MK's in the Knesset Many people boycott German, French, Arabic even yr shmittah products etc. Why not if it works for you, do it.
6, well placed Israel should buy American in recognition for massive funding of the American regime in Israel.

If you do not want to buy their cars, so do not take their money either.
Cherryhill is a known fact that when buying the goods of a certain country, it shows a level of appreciation, no matter who makes more money winnings government sales of US Aswell Send this joseph concerns.
Flatbush Bubby the United States do not grant anything except Israel loan guarantees which they guarontour loans they make, you need to get your facts straight how to give America all those who have a defecit 3 trillion .
I understand that the German cars can hurt people, but the facts are that now Germany is good enough both to Israel and to its own Jews to the state level at least there are better country to buy, but there are many things that should be considered when purchasing a product apart from the country.

If we buy products from our current or former enemies is debatable.
Buying German products may be Yisroel buy products from Eretz is obvious yes this past Chanukah I could not find olive oil from Spain Eretz Yisrael much I do not have to remind all the world in their history the Jews, I looked everywhere Shoprite local shul what happens.
Lakewood maven, America provides massive amounts of cash to the state of Israel as for military and civilian purposes.
Yidel it is not true that I just read in the eyes bbook myth Israel or the fact that he was on the New York Times Book Review.

Lakewood maven, Israel is the beneficiary of one foreign aid from the United States, it gets about 3 billion a year in military aid, over a billion dollars of non-military aid per year.
And 3 billion in non-military aid a year Total 6 billion annually.
What is interesting is that the spiritual leader of the Shas car is servicable.
Yidel where is your source the book I mentioned said that is not true of all the reviews on the book said that the book was wrong please DonT repeat the sin of Israel mraglim doesnt need anyones help more where these so-called billlions come to the United States has a defecit several trillion.
Lakewood maven I can not believe in this day and age that a Yid could actually deny the enormous foreign aid and military support from the US government Please Do not be mechallel Shem Shomayim here for exactly that the sonei Yisroel would sieze on.

Hs cohen I just asked a source I gave a good reputation.
Hscohen do not believe the propoganda if you have friends or family ask gov.
Hey it was pretty good, over 26 comments and no one has suggested asking the Daas Torah on this point.
Lakewood Maven, loan guarantees are another problem, the deficit reduces the money they give is under budget item called Foreign Aid Look it up.

Eli Yishai Israeli ministers should not drive German cars Yeshiva World News, Yishai, ministers, Israeli.