Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Motor Trend Video Staffer Wounded in Abt Audi R8 GTR crash tells his story aside

2008 Millville 450cc Outdoor National (Round 10 of 12)

Motor Trend Video Staffer Wounded in Abt Audi R8 GTR crash tells his side of the story.
Last September almost everyone in automotive journalism was ready for the Frankfurt motor A-listers were probably fly into Frankfurt as guests of the manufacturers or new driving test models before the event can Some were -being in Germany trying to nail some local stories before going to Frankfurt for the show that was the case for staffer Motor Trend YouTube Jessi Lang went to Kempten, Germany to test drive the Audi R8 GTR built by Abt Sportsline at least, that was the plan until Lang was involved in an accident while driving the half-million Audi, accident that saw the disappearance of the car and a second Audi and that medical evacuation by helicopter of the two pilots.
Motor Trend has produced Lang's story in video format as part of a series in which she stars is a fascinating story, one of perseverance and healing face such an ordeal As a father of two daughters I hope they have such strength and positive outlook facing such difficulties of course, I personally and everyone here in this capacity Jessi wishes a quick recovery and applaud her in her perserverence same time, the video and comments obtained on different social media platforms and our motor Show raise an interesting discussion.
To be brief, this causes heated debates There's no shortage of those who seek to defend Jessi against anyone who might criticize with such a history, and tears in her very revealing, it is expected that this m ' surprised most was the anger expressed mainly Germans who responded by saying they were glad she was okay but she shouldn t have been the engine of the way it was part lectured to those who speak critically about the laws of overtaking or being overtaken on something German Autobahn you to the mainly German group could be a little more knowledgable.
Before going further, it is probably time to watch the movie see here.

This week, I headed to Germany via Munich and was very much the same as Jessi I would take the keys to a brand new and recently awarded Audi RS 6 Avant when the public relations person for society issue looked a little earthy as she told me of news she just heard the tuning industry in Germany is one, and it learned of that close-knit Björn Marek Abt Sportsline had been involved in a serious accident and was in hospital a female American journalist was driving Abt R8 GTR and was in the hospital, as the other driver.
This was the first time the PR person never decided not to go out with me in the car during my visit, it was obvious that the accident Abt gave her pause, I know it gave me a break, because when I'm out in the RS 6 and saw that the tire pressure monitoring system was reading as irrelevant, I decided to skip my usual race on the Autobahn A9 news of history gave both of us a strong suggestion to take extra care in something that becomes quite every day when working around cars and tuning German fast.
No doubt the video that for many now hear the story in the words of Jessi, but at the same time that all this is a little disconcerting While I applaud Motor Trend to share the dangers of these things, I'm surprised they're placing all the blame on the other driver Jessi does as she re-tells his story and Motor Trend has officially released the video on Facebook yesterday with the words, a year ago, another driver on the Jessi Lang autobahn changed life forever.
This accident occurred on the B2 Autobahn between Rednitzhembach and Schwabach stories News day and clean Jessie re-telling suggests the R8 GTR was catching a second Audi At some point just before passing, the second car moved into the passageway and product collision that left the two demolished cars, the R8 GTR on fire in a field next to the highway and the second Audi on the roof in a ditch.
One of debate among commentators is the speed limit on that particular stretch of road This is not a major autobahn A, but four limited access roads autobahn B standing B Bundesstraße We're told that d they chose the road because of its unlimited speed zone and because it would be almost empty early this morning when they d be there.

In our research, we learned that there is a recommended speed of 130 km h 80 mph but if it is not marked, so it is actually unlimited Even still, the Germans we've talked website a unique aspect of their right the responsibility is that a driver has a responsibility to travel safely if he or she moves above 130 Although I am not a lawyer, that sounds like if you wear a liability if you do a race high-speed, things go wrong.
Is Jessi to blame at all If you listen to his commentary or the tone of the post of Motor Trend, it seems not to contact Abt Sportsline, we were told that there has not yet been a decision that's to blame by Jessi s first hand in the video, the other Audi was about 1 3 thereof given pace was a autobahn limited access to two lanes, unmarked and with no written recommendation of 80 mph it is reasonable to assume that the other driver was at least 50 mph would place the R8 GTR at speeds or greater than 150 mph.
For those who haven t done, things happen quickly 150 MPH We all like to think we are qualified enough to deal with these things, but I've seen and heard enough Launches accidents or when shopping with even the most skilled drivers to know not everyone is perfect, including well trained.
Beyond placing the blame entirely on the other driver, I have some other problems with the room Motor Trend First, they do not give a voice or even a health update for the other driver who was also seriously injured they talk about the R8 GTR as if he is still around to be led there's not, it is destroyed Finally, they never mention the condition of the second occupant of the car, they mention it several times before the accident, including even how he yelled before impact However, they never go back to say how it is now.
The other passenger was Björn Marek, head of public relations for Abt Sportsline I know Björn, I let him drop an email this morning to ask him how he's doing I have not raised the accident it before that times- one because I did not want to pry, but it seemed appropriate now given how many commentators wondered online how he's done for this, I will directly post their words.
I do best every day, but still have pain in my back and my chest I had a fracture of the lumbar vertebra and me and my family was afraid I might be paralyzed as though I had some more injuries after the accident, I am convinced that everything will be quite well in the coming months additional Fortunately, I am able to walk as well as I could before the accident so that the most important thing.

Given all Jessi's been through, I am not surprised that his attention is entirely detached from his own healing and recovery is a fascinating history and a really shares the grief That said, this is a blatant reminder for those of us who go to Germany to take advantage of German cars and German roads still need to exercise great care to drive these super fast cars on the Autobahn is incredible, but spend some time in a diesel car low power can you learn there's more to the Autobahn that flashing your high beams and standing on the gas that we all fantasize about the wheel of a single car, the highway can be a frightening experience borderline in this case, you feel the best, everyone driving around you is conscious and able to do what they do and prepare for the worst you do overtake a car in vo ie next to 100 mph over their speed because they probably little to no concept of that speed, so bring you these overflow speeds into something much more manageable Can t get in front of a car goes very fast, because then it might just be a premium sedan from 100, it could also be a Abt R8 GTR is 150 in my case, I fought the temptation to take this new spanking listening Audi RS 6 Avant for a run in the stratosphere on the Autobahn near because of these inactive TPMS sensors.
Ah yes, the Autobahn It shouldn t be treated as a playground It should be taken very seriously as an American, I'm not trained nearly as why I want to believe the Germans go through a licensing process they grow much more stringent with their parents emphasizing how dangerous it can be when the others do not know what they do and to be wary of all the time they have strict inspection laws and see their hyper scrutinized carriages in a way that makes our security inspections somewhat laughable, that all serves as a fresh reminder the seriousness of the conduct is there if you do such a race like this, and I know I have to, and then choose a Autobahn empty stretch in the early morning, preferably one of the major broad and expansive slower traffic autobahn which is separated by at least one way Don t take a passenger with you in case of course it is p read easier said than done, especially from a chair instead of a drug rehabilitation center, b ut it is solid advice anyway.
We wish well Jessi This week was full of cautionary tales, whether takeovers or speeding legalities No doubt it was the worst if we need that much pain and time spent for three people involved.

Motor Trend Video Staffer Wounded in Abt Audi R8 GTR crash tells his story aside, video, motor trend.