Thursday, April 19, 2018

What is the most effective way to make money in Gran Turismo 5

GT5 How to get easy money quickly Tutorial (Gran Turismo 5 PS3 17k)

Some seasonal events added in the latest update in January 05 have very good prices So far I've tried the 493hp race GT-R, but ahead 3 gave me 340,000.
This update has also increased the rewards for winning races, but it is in force until the end of January 2011.
After the release of the specification 2 0 room there is now a straight connection bonus - a bonus two points of money and price This bonus experience for all consecutive days open you log into the game until a maximum of 5 days up.
So make money more effectively by connecting daily for 5 consecutive days, then attack some shopping.
If you're just after money and donate t mind playing unconventional ith cheating there is something you can do, I read it and did not try.
Get a Forumla One car Eg the X2010.

Choose a race on one of the Indy tracks like the wind, or Dream Car Championship.
Use of a rubber band on the controller to hold the right analog stick at full speed.
Using a rubber band holding the left analog stick to the right, but almost before slightly right.
You have to shoot in the head and the car should follow the circut around you can win the race without having to do anything.
You can basically do B-Spec anyway What makes this trick is worth it.
Put something on the site, so it's enter key down.

Now when the race is over, it will enter the xp credit screens and restart the race you can leave this indefinitley configuration and rake in money up to.
At present, the new season All France of the event is a race on the Sarthe Cicuit Championship which will net just over 100k for a little over four minutes of driving, depending on your car that I 99 have won a Citroën Xsara Rally Car recently and it destroys the form of stock All I added was a set of soft tires sports and went to work you could get a fully customizeable transmission and a little trim and top speed fractions of a second, if you are in a crisis time.

What is the most effective way to make money in Gran Turismo 5, more efficient, make, money.