Monday, April 9, 2018

Volkswagen 300 MPG unauthorized car in America because it is too efficient

Tesla costs drop, Renault # 39; s New EV, Hyundai exoskeleton - T.E.N. Future Car News 13/01/17

You won t find the 300 MPG Volkswagen XL1 in a US showroom, in fact, he was even refused a tour in America because it is too effective for the American public to be well informed, and profits oil prices are too high in America with the status quo in place.
No visit allowed for that car because the myth that 50 mpg is almost impossible to get even stripped econobox is too profitable to let go, and with regard to the profits of oil companies, ignorance is happiness.
There are years that I had calculated that it should be possible to get a small car to exceed 100 mpg by putting in direct parallel to the water injection cylinder side by side with the fuel injectors, and using the exhaust manifold for preheating the water so that it would come in the form of dry steam cylinders, thus providing the added expansion that drives the motor while allowing the combustion process to proceed without reducing is the efficiency.
But I'm obviously wrong with my calculations, because they were actually more conservative 2x Carburetor 100 mpg was indeed a reality, and the Volkswagen XL1 proves nothing with only single special technology that we've had since the 1970s.
Although the XL1 can be connected to provide 40 mile all-electric engine, it does not need to be plugged ever to achieve 300 mpg and he does not cheat in any way to get the note, it weighs more than 1,700 pounds, to normal tires, and offers a great experience of driving with a maximum speed of 99 mph.
The XL1 can reach speeds of more than 110 missing governor mph and turns into a 0-60 time of 11 5 seconds, which is far from leisurly for a car designed for XL1 efficiency in any way cheating performance to hit s ratings is just the car we'd always had, and have we made in the name of oil profits.

Although the XL1 can hit 300 mpg in driving conditions ideal, it's combined mileage is usually a little more than 200 miles per gallon, and if you are driving around town you will stay at a minimum of 180 mpg in the worst driving conditions, but I would be happy with that, no doubt.
If the XL1 was equipped with a fuel tank of 18 gallons, and you do highway driving, you can fill it with an oil change and when the next change is due, you can change the oil and continue without complete and additional 2 400 miles, but it comes with a fuel tank much smaller, because if she could go so long on a single tank are likely to fuel would foul before it is used the tank is only 2 6 gallon fuel avoid age-related problems thus passes fill ups are cheap.
Many of the publications that talk about the XL1 did when it was a concept car predicted for the right about 250 MPG But in 2014, after many cars now produced tests, test drivers report on the economy over 300 mpg in the correct driving conditions, which would be close to the sea level, flat straight road without stopping, and reasonable speeds.
To get rid of miles imperial gallon confusion U S in the metric system the XL1 is estimated to provide 100 kilometers per liter translates to the U S which means about 65 miles per liter.

I remember that I laughed at the Smart Fortwo, because even a full-size 4-door Chevy Impala beat significantly Smart fuel economy, and the Impala will get a car all Volkswagen XL1 is clearly the two seats Smart would have been if it was really what the name suggests, and the XL1 is, however, a car that I would be proud to be seen.
You will not see the XL1 in America, though it is much less efficient 85 mpg hyrid not complete break counterpart size blue motion Jetta TDI wagon Img that is made in America is forbidden to American roads.
And I would ask why What excuse is there to prohibit highly efficient cars of American roads.
An excuse is that they don t meet US crash test standards, but the truth is that the Fed simply refused to fail the test ever because of what they are in Europe itself is considered the XL1 as a very safe car in accidents and break Jetta is obviously more secure and you can buy non TDI versions of the exact same car in America the only difference is the engine, tHAN WHAT GIVES.

The answer is obvious for the simple pleasure of raking in huge profits from 4 a gallon of gas is swallowed to 10X the rate should be, companies by campaign contributions and other successful pay outs to get the Fed to legislate the best road cars for irrelevant reasons trumped the XL1 will not comply with US emission standards not because it is not clean enough, it will meet all simply because the inefficient parts that are mandated by the EPA are not part of the powertrain XL1.
We will never see the really clean and efficient race cars in America, because the Fed has demanded that American cars stifled voluntarily by parties horribly lost fuel that add to the cost of the vehicle and do absolutely nothing, how much more effective and clean can you get 300 mpg XL1 exhaust must, in simple mathematics and the laws of physics, run the theoretical threshold of perfection emissions.
SO XL1 is the car that oil companies do not want that there will be made in 2000.
And no production line has been set up for them, they are all made by hand and irrelevant light pieces are added to the frame, made of carbon fiber and other exotic materials to add to the mystique.

But materials and production limits are a load of Bunk, the car still weighs more than 1,700 pounds if it weighed only 100 pounds more every exotic could be removed, because the exotic materials do not do much anyway they are just marketing.
Cost is not the issue either Even after being hand made with exotic materials in a deliberately limited edition XL1 still costs only 60,000 There's a lot more of a market for this car 2000 units at this price have no doubt this car is being withheld on purpose.
If it can be hand-built for small, automated assembly lines could do it for half if a 1700 over XL1 book can get 300 mpg, a book of 3400 Chevy truck should be able to deliver at least 150 MPG XL1 poses naked mileage fraud, with any hybrid that gets 40 mpg on the line and every truck that gets 20, Americans are getting the shaft, and they do not even realize.
First I was infatuated and impressed with 85mpg Vokswagen wagon TDI Blue Motion and wanted get to America when I was still there, and 300 mpg XL1 came, what a rude awakening and slap in the face for the American car buyer.

Volkswagen 300 MPG unauthorized car in America because it is too efficient, volkswagen, allowed, america, effective.