Friday, February 23, 2018

The ultimate driving machine The perfect slogan

BMW: The Ultimate Driving Machine.

The ultimate driving machine The perfect slogan.
Probably one of the best known among automobile manufacturers worldwide slogans, BMW's line Ultimate Driving Machine tag, served as Munich based.
Probably one of the best known among automobile manufacturers worldwide slogans, BMW's line Ultimate Driving Machine tag, served as the Munich-based company over the years used in North America, the tag line is simple, descriptive, to the point and most important of all, it is identifiable with the brand.
Many companies can certainly come up with clever slogans, but if they do not stick to the brand or transcend the products they represent, they are lost in a sea of ​​three to five word phrases and he's back to the board drawing so to speak.
So it is what BMW's Ultimate Driving Machine slogan that actually operate simple, BMW supported their demand quite well with cars that are simply thrilling to drive now slogan almost 34 years old, has was originally created under the reign of Bob Lutz by a relatively unknown ad agency, Ammirati Puris Ammirati Puris Lutz attracted attention by their impressive Fiat ads and was considered a gamble to go with such an outsider agency .

During the 1970s, the baby boomers were out of college, money and willing to spend their hard earned money What better way to reflect your success as a premium automobile When shopping for a car, or anything for that matter, it is difficult to ignore a supported product with the claim to be the ultimate driving machine, especially when their fathers for the last two decades have been sloppy, overweight Buicks parked in their ways of access, I do not try to generalize, but you get the point.
It's safe to say the gamble paid off handsomely Lutz and was key to BMW's success in the 1970s through today.
In 2006, a rumor started that BMW toys with the idea of ​​dropping the synonymous tag line and the Bavarian automaker was to be represented by the tag line, an ideas company's slogan is born from the desire to meet to the creative class and evoke among consumers and competition as well, that BMW was an organization that had not been afraid to push the envelope and make cars that challenge conventional design and engineering Some say that it was just a rumor that came from Al Reis marketing genius in adage column and also BMW has rejected the request immediately There was also a petition which revolved around the interwebs to stop the decision to drop the line 'label.
Fortunately, BMW has never been by decision, nor do we know exactly if there were plans to really change the slogan.
Although I agree with the overall concept of the slogan is a bit of an adjustment for BMW, I do not feel it would have been a suitable replacement for what has worked for so many years, or does not describe core competencies of the company in addition, an ideas company was much too broad and could be applied to any business when you drive a BMW you can not deny the fact that they make cars that are more than one point a to point B car, more than a means of transport There spirit behind these cars are the cars and drivers are to be appreciated.
A tag line finally do one thing and that is keeping a promise the ability to keep that promise at all levels in all the products of a company offers is often a feat that is overlooked by the ability underrated pure consistency in my opinion not just BMW Bimmer is the car of a driver first and everything else second.

When you buy a BMW, you buy something a little different, something special and something you're proud to drive I think the Ultimate Driving Machine slogan is timeless, engineering and works just But the digital age and with BMW face a different buyer today than they did 34 years ago, do you feel it is time for a change.
For readers who were there before BMW was known as the Ultimate Driving Machine, not the power and efficiency are still valid Many of you have described irateness Pure Joy to the campaign associated with the all-new Z4 Roadster and more recently the X1 If you had the opportunity to do it, what would you do the next BMW slogan.

The ultimate driving machine The perfect slogan, ultimate, driving, machine, perfect.