Friday, January 5, 2018

VAT refund on German Car Forum Switzerland

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I'm not at all on the import of cars expert, but I'm sure you must declare the import of the first car in the Swiss customs office as you cross.
You will then pay VAT in Switzerland and get a Swiss WORD I guess once it is recorded here, you can then retrieve the German VAT.
I'm not sure someone with more knowledge than me will come soon with a more precise answer also search the forum, there will be a lot of advice already on the import of cars.
Last edited by grumpygrapefruit; 24 June 2009 to 15 57 Reason link added.

I just found this fun, I will give some words or wisdom.
Your problem is not VAT or not, or how much, your problem is that you are trying to circumvent the established industries and they do not like that, so they introduced obstacles.
My information is 15, then perhaps the laws could change, but in this case I doubt.
As fist, all vehicles imported into Switzerland need to have a Typenschein Zertifikat also a compliance vehicle that has passed certain tests to conform to the regulations of the Swiss Traffic Usually, the general importer manages this This will cost you in between 6 to 20.000 CHF, YAK, right.
Now, when you import 100 vehicles, so you have to add 200 per vehicle, in this case 1, do the math.

In addition, you must provide certification of the manufacturer's technical data, you are not an authorized dealer, they will add a few extra thousand on this document.
Then you need to get some holidays that this test is done ether in Zurich or Bern, I have the feeling that they always choose the most away from your residence.
Then you have to pay for the noise test s for the evacuation and another test Co2.
Incidentally, it doesn t matter that your neighbor drives exactly the same model and type, you importer to prove compliance and it didnt matter that tis is done by the general importer.

There is only one way, if you've temporarily in Switzerland and you leave again, you can drive your car up to twelve months with your foreign license plates-but you have to be gone before the end of then this period.
I am Swiss, returning from living abroad the past 15 years in Switzerland, I'll buy and restore an apartment house for future earnings, then move to Italy.
I'll buy my car in Germany, as he reads Sá much cheaper, then restore the building, go to Italy, where the EU rule is that you can bring your car with you if I will change my number plates German with Italian.
For Switzerland, it doesn t matter if the car is used or new, you have to get around that long testing process about a week.

I know of a case back in 94 when an imported back guys Porsche's US, is in accordance with Swiss law, he had to withdraw at the time the catalytic converter, by all means make thirty clean vehicles just to be able to comply with the law.
You better talk to the nearest MOTORFAHRZEUGKONTROLLE and confirm what I wrote here.
My knowledge comes from my desire to cross Africa with a vehicle after extensive studies, I found the perfect truck the German army once used the Swiss Army rather uses fuel-efficient vehicles when you filter the tho 100 precious juice for purification, however, you can do stunning things off-road with them.
The vehicle I want to use anything that could burn, the diesel salad oil, light and heavy way You might even stretch the fuel does not use the bathroom and use the fuel tank instead.

I bought one in Germany and my adventure began Swiss Government Long story short, I did not import as the manufacturer of the vehicle doesn t produce this rare paper called Typen konformitaet Bescheinigung and was then essential.
I then realized that the industry itself created these barriers to protect the high Swiss market prices Why buy a VW for 35k in CH Fr. If you can buy it at 10 km D 25K DM and DM was at least 15 value.
To avoid these border shopping rules where implemented, it is virtually impossible to import vehicles for yourself.
I had a friend who helped me then, it was important to return 911 from California to CH, but it was a model and once done with government, it could import much as he wants without extra hassle.
Well, in the end I build a boat instead and spend 8 years in this world cruise was a fun time, but now my son begins to walk and I have to go back to civilization.

The boat with the way made me an expert on the importation of goods to CH, other stories - enough for a book.
But as said earlier, I think it is wise to go to the nearest MOTORFAHRZEUGKONTROLLE tell them you want to bring in a foreign car and ask them the procedure of passing control.
There is no customs that makes the problem to Swiss license plates, it is.
What Charlie says is true, you have to get the invoice stamped by German customs exported, then stop at the Swiss border to import the car you have to pay your CASH functions there you will not be aloud to continue your trip with Swiss residence and Swiss driving license you are not aloud to drive a car with foreign license plates The only exception is if you have a foreign driving license and your residence in Switzerland less than 12 months after 12 months you are not aloud to use a foreign driver's license and the Swiss, we are back to square one.
So if you want your vehicle your self you better be friends with one car repair shops, they have what we call a Garagennummer a license plate that is licensed company and not to a vehicle this plate could be transferred between vehicles at will.

To avoid paying taxes you import something else, small, cheap, so the Swiss custom sees you go to colleagues across the border, but he doesn know why then you show him something that you 150 euros want to import, you have simply forgotten about the car.
It keeps you HEARD beat and high adrenaline, but you can do it - but as Charles pointed out, you need to prove later that you paid your rights, it is not worth the effort .
Alternatively the truck in the vehicle and do everything in Zurich, Bern and Basel to Zollfreilager in duty free in any case expect a rude treatment you public are welcome to deal with customs - for this we But you have agents 100 are aloud to do - without any expensive agent just smile long way once I had a custom officer to shout very bad, so bad that I had to pay 350 instead 3500 We continue to smile.

VAT refund on German Car Forum Switzerland, German forum, Swiss.