Monday, January 22, 2018

Signs in German

10 Signs You're born and raised in Germany | be Germanized

Learn to recognize these all important signs in German to avoid embarrassment and frustration ever entered the wrong toilet in another country had your car towed for a parking place prohibited fined for lighting in an area non-smoking.
Do not worry, it's probably happened to all of us at one time or another, but let's make sure it doesn t happen in Germany These words and phrases are also useful to know if you need to ask if some something is open or closed or explain something is out of order.
When you buy food in a supermarket and don t intend to eat it right away, it might pay to check the expiration date to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Most restaurants have smoking and non-smoking area There is a big discussion in Germany at the time whether the smoking ban in public buildings quite Meanwhile, it may be useful to learn what means Rauchen verboten.
Sometimes you will see great signs in bright colors in almost every shop window There must be a sale on.
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Signs in German, signs, German.