Saturday, October 28, 2017

Johann Schmidt Movies Marvel fandom powered by Wikia

Johann Vera - Pretty Girl (You Canción)

You're mistaken, Captain you pretend to be a simple soldier, but in reality you are just afraid to admit that we have left humanity behind Unlike you, I embrace with pride Fearless Red Skull src .
Johann Schmidt also known as Red Skull is a former German SS officer and scientist who has his own branch of the Third Reich army under his command known as HYDRA.
In February 1934, the Deutsches Opernhaus in Berlin Schmidt met Adolf Hitler the Führer of Nazi Germany, the Third Reich had with him Heinrich Himmler chief of the Schutzstaffel and Ernst Kaufmann head of Special Weapons Division Sturmabteilung SA Schmidt revealed their his theory that magic could be the oldest science never known Hitler was intrigued by the ideas of Schmidt, but Kaufmann was less impressed Schmidt offered to conduct research in the Kaufmann unit but was violently rejected However, Himmler was more interested in the ideas of Schmidt, and took him under his wing.
In June 1934, as part of the Night of the Long Knives Schmidt Murdered Kaufmann and took control of its weapons program A week later, Schmidt and his SS troops Attacked the SA weapons testing ground at Kummersdorf 46 km south Berlin After killing almost all the base personnel, Schmidt found and recruited a scientist Arnim Zola worked on advanced battle armor exoskeleton Finally, Schmidt went to the rank of Lieutenant General Obergruppenführer, and formed his own branch of the SS, HYDRA.
In September 1935, the German biochemist Abraham Erskine tried to flee Germany with his family, the father of his wife was a Jew and Erskine wanted to take his family to safety, they were arrested in the German Swiss border by Schmidt and his Schmidt men wanted Erskine work on ways to increase the molecular density cellular fiber by synthetic proteins in order to ensure the cooperation of Erskine, Schmidt sent women Erskine Greta and Klaus children and Marlene to camp Dachau concentration Arnim Zola was allowed to resume its work on the battle exoskeleton suits and various weapons of high technology.

In 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, starting World War II Schmidt was active in the German conquest, winning several military decorations up, including the Panzer badge and first class Iron Cross.
In 1940, the first unstable version of Erskine Super Soldier Serum was completed at the castle Kaufmann in the Bavarian Alps Schmidt himself received by serum injection serum was supposed to make it faster, stronger and more agile It worked, but no toll his face was burned and deformed, making it red, like the skull Although it has adopted a synthetic mask resembling its former appearance disguise the strain, he earned the nickname of red skull Erskine fled to America with the help of Peggy Carter and joined the strategic scientific reserve.
Johann Schmidt was an SS officer who reached the rank of Obergruppenführer lieutenant general and entered the inner circle of Hitler, he was the first man over the centuries to be fully aware of the Nordic gods who walked the Earth and sought to exploit the science behind their power Then he created his own branch known as the Hydra, named after the mythological creature that became deep science division Hitler Dr. Abraham Erkshine was forced to test the super soldier Johann Schmidt serum , corrupt and power hungry after serum was used on Schmidt, he not only developed a darker nature, but also suffered physical side effects after its deformed severealy head in a shape resembling skull, Schmidt became dissilusioned from ideals of Hitler and Aryan supremecy distanced Nazism.
Schmidt then invade a castle in Norway in search of a mystical artefact he calls the jewel in the hall of Odin's treasure The Tesseract is said to give her finder's incredible power and Schmidt said that he would give him a power member of a group sworn to protect tries to prevent fly, but Johann shoots and kills without mercy Schmidt and Nazi scientist Arnim Zola experience with the artifact really is the cosmic cube and try to exploit her power then they began to create their own Wunderwaffe using the power of the Tesseract Schmidt executed three Nazi officials to declare HYDRA became independent and no longer help the Third Reich Schmidt reveals that its cause is looking beyond the plans and imagination of Hitler, and that HYDRA won t grow up in the shadow of Hitler So he becomes a traitor and enemy of the Axis powers.
During an unauthorized rescue mission, Steve Rogers briefly confronted Schmidt Schmidt tore the skin on her face revealing his face distorted The Red Skull grew frustrated that Captain America has destroyed all but one of its plants, killing those who failed to stop after the Howling commandos captured Zola, Rogers led an attack on the last red skull red skull fortress then took off in his private jet to destroy the United States with the energy of the cosmic cube.
After suicide attacks are neutralized, Red Skull and Captain America fought in the cockpit ends in a stalemate as the battle damaged the cube power core Skull picked up the Cube, forgetting that he can not be held by mortal hands Thus the Cube apparently cremated Schmidt and his remains transported through space to Yggdrasil.

In April 1944, Schmidt was a castle on an island in the Strait occupied by the Danish Nazis There, he studied a mystical runestone Viking However, Rogers and Howling Commandos stormed the castle Schmidt tried to destroy them, but they survived.
After the Allied invasion of Normandy, Schmidt made an alliance against nature with the German nobleman Baron Zemo But soon Schmidt crossed Zemo and HYDRA occupied castle in Bavaria Zemo When Rogers invaded the castle and defeated men hand Zola as Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, Schmidt Tesseract intend to use to activate the Sleeper, machine giant robotic war hidden under the castle of Zemo he also wanted the super Soldier Zola synthesized improved serum from the blood of captain America captain destroyed the sample, infuriating Schmidt ordered the iron cross to kill him when captain America beat iron cross, Schmidt escaped and turned the Sleeper Sleeper Cap destroyed, which also led to the destruction of the castle later, Schmidt said Zola to stop wasting time on projects that have failed.
You know, the last time I am in Germany and saw a man standing above all, we ended up Steve Rogers disagreed src.
When Captain America face Loki in Stuttgart, Germany, he refers to Schmidt.
Although the Red Skull had long been declared dead, his legacy and influence remained While investigating a former bunker SHIELD, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff met now the AI ​​Dr Zola Thanks to him, they learned that HYDRA was reborn and increasingly within SHIELD from design agency after Zola and several other members repentive HYDRA were brought to be strategically valuble Thanks to them, the Hydra of power and influence in the world have grown and have been the reason for much of the international corruption, violence and hostility in the second half of the 20th century.

Johann Schmidt is a genius and egocentric megalomaniac who believes strongly in the concept of social Darwinism, in particular that are of superior human race destined to rule the normal and was initially a strong supporter of the objective of Hitler to create an Aryan master race before isolate for its deformities using both magic and science for a central position in the inner circle of the Third Reich, the conceit Schmidt came into believing he was taller Hitler himself, thus beginning a plan to overthrow Schmidt cruel and ruthless, but also a scientific genius capable of seeing beyond appearances and identify the truth behind the myths and superstitions that fragments of original Asgard.
Due to the formula developed by Abraham Erskine, he achieved incredible attributes, such as the enormous strength, speed, stamina and reflexes, and even got his increased intelligence, becoming a brain of war, but the serum was still incomplete and imperfect when Schmidt hastily used on himself According to Erskine, because the serum was not ready, good becomes great, bad becomes worse as a result, the entire head became horribly disfigured, that looks like a purple skull, and his folly and megalomania became magnified Schmidt considered his monstrously inhuman face evidence that he has left humanity behind and really became a god.
In combat, he uses weapons to canonical fire, but after recovering Tesseract he got access to a power source that people be seen, and used it to implement its weapons Although ' he is disillusioned with the ideals of the Führer, it is always morally free and capable of mass murder.
Schmidt has been described as a brilliant scientist by Erskine before processing.
Schmidt was a driver that he used a Focke-Wulf Triebflügel to escape his factory and then personally led the massive Valkyrie on its only flight.
Severely disfigured serum Schmidt's appearance, but it has improved the summit of human potential throughout his body's natural abilities.

Peak human strength of physical force of the Red Skull can match the physical strength of Steve at the peak of human potential.
Human Skull Top speed is able to run at a speed of about 30 miles per hour.
Peak Human Agility Red Skull has great agility superior to that of an Olympic athlete.
Peak human Endurance Skull product musculature less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human being.
Peak Human Reflexes Reflexes Skull are equally enhanced and are superior to those of the best athlete.
Peak Human Durability bones and red skull muscles are denser and harder than normal, the highest human potential, which makes it very durable compared to a normal human being.

Advanced human mental processes mental performance Red Skull has been greatly improved, allowing his mind to run in the most efficient and timely manner possible.
Human healing Pic The Red Skull healing speed and efficiency is the highest limits of human potential, which means that it can heal faster than most humans.
Hugo Weaving based Red Skull's accent on the renowned German directors Werner Herzog and Klaus Maria Brandauer.
About the character, weaving points, I think the main difference between Skull and Cap, they've had both serum and serum seems to increase certain qualities that each of them Cape is much more in tune with others, I think Schmidt is in harmony with himself and his own needs and his own ego, so I guess this increases from this point of view, they're quite the opposite.
The Red Skull is looking for a powerful artifact, the coincidence by Cosmic Cube in the 2007 film Transformers Hugo Weaving voiced the villain Megatron, who also sought a relic shaped like cosmic cube that at the end caused their disappearance alleged disappearance in the if red skull.
In the comics, the Red Skull was the right hand of Hitler, second in command and staff Red Skull murderer has no connection with HYDRA although it helped Baron von Strucker director HYDRA of origin to escape Germany and organize HYDRA in the Japanese-occupied territory in the last days of World War II.

In the draft Zack Penn for the Avengers movie, the Red Skull was presented as the main villain alongside showing Loki, he must have survived his apparent disappearance in The First Avenger Although it didn t happen in the final film, he again appeared in archive footage from the previous film.
When asked before the release of Captain America The Winter Soldier he was in the movie, Hugo Weaving said that although he is hired to portray the character in other images; it is not sure if it's a role he has to carefully review 1.
In November 2014 Weaving retracted the statement, saying he did not know whether he would reprise his role as Red Skull in Captain America Civil War despite previously stating that he could not return to complete the rest of 2 movies in his contract.
With the release of Captain America Civil War Weaving said that while he has fun doing the first film and it might be fun to reinvigorate the character, his views have not changed regarding retaliation but the role went on to say that he would never say never, and circumstances might indeed change 3.

Johann Schmidt Movies Marvel fandom powered by Wikia, Johann, schmidt, Human advanced athlete, Captain America Civil.