Friday, October 20, 2017

Insurance Making the most of a bad situation Making in Germany

Second Germany | NEO MAGAZINE began in January Böhmermann ROYAL - ZDFneo

Accidents can happen in an instant your child throws a ball through the window of your neighbor, or you break a vase on a visit to a friend in Germany, you are responsible in such cases As of other words, you must pay for the damage to prevent that happening, liability insurance can be useful to many Germans consider liability insurance as the most useful and important optional types of disaster insurance private liability insurance covers the cost of damage to a certain amount It also covers your spouse and children liability insurance is available from less than 100 euros per year.
Aiste Lithuania When I came to Germany to work as an au pair, the mother of the family advised me to take out liability insurance At that time, I thought it was a pure waste of money since that it always nagging me about it, I reluctantly took liability insurance for 60 euros per year with a coverage limit of 5 million It bothered me every year when insurance costs were charged to my account until one day, an accident occurred, I was at a party at the home of my host family and I accidentally spilled a bottle of wine a mobile phone and a laptop were on the table and unfortunately they broke But before I start worrying about how to pay for them, the mother reminded me of my liability insurance in Germany, the law states that if you cause damage you intentionnelleme nt or not pay my insurance covers all damage to my advice I advise people, if they're a student or working, take out liability insurance.
Liability Insurance of Motor Vehicles If you own a car or a motorcycle, you are required to have automobile liability You are not permitted to register your vehicle without it This insurance pays for bodily injury, property damage and loss of property if you cause an accident or injure someone while driving your car the insurance cost of the insurance premium can vary considerably it depends on factors such as the type of vehicle or motorcycle, age and number years you've been accident-free driving.
Liability insurance Insurance of complete motor vehicles covers damage to the other party, you can also purchase a comprehensive insurance policy to cover your own vehicle A distinction is made between Teilkasko full insurance and Vollkasko full insurance and the insurance collision coverage Teilkasko generally pays for the following damage to your vehicle.
Vollkasko the insurance also covers damage resulting from an accident, even if you were at fault, and damage caused by vandalism This is especially advisable if your vehicle is new, since the cost of damage is particularly high.

Among other things, the cost of comprehensive insurance depends on your deductible, which is the amount you must pay out of pocket for Teilkasko insurance, it is usually about 150 euros; Vollkasko insurance for between 300 and 500 euros.
Car breakdown insurance with a car breakdown insurance policy, the provider covers the costs if you need a rental car or having your car towed because of a breakdown or accident in many cases it also covers the cost of transporting an injured or ill, you can buy a vehicle breakdown insurance motor vehicle insurance companies and automobile clubs.
This insurance covers the contents of your home or apartment, for example, pays if your furniture or clothing is stolen or damaged by fire, storm or water The cost depends on the size of your home, among others, it is particularly useful if you keep valuables in your home.
You are a member of the accident insurance through your employer This means that you are covered in case of accident in the workplace or on your way to work, however, most accidents occur when you are not at work, and this is private accident insurance can help Although the treatment is covered by compulsory health insurance, private accident insurance can help mitigate the most important financial consequences, private accident insurance covers you in case disability following an accident and are unable to work the insurance company pays disability benefits you can buy coverage for the types of rehabilitation that are not paid by the compulsory health insurance .
Pension insurance in Germany is the largest and strongest component of our old age security system to maintain your current standard of living, however, it is advisable to have a supplementary pension plan Since 2002, government subsidized these supplementary pensions the principle is both simple and effective If you supplement your state pension, either in private or in your workplace, the government will help by providing subsidies and tax exemptions and contributions.
To ensure against the risk, you must purchase an insurance policy states the following.

What event ensured In other words, in this case the disability insurance company.
What is the maximum amount that will be paid the insurance amount.
Before buying a policy, make sure you do plenty of research Talk to your friends and colleagues, you can consult a professional advisor insurance, but if you do, make sure that the consultant provides advice counselors impartial assurance to the consumer protection agency can provide more information.
When you have chosen an insurance company, make an appointment for a personal meeting where you can talk about the details of the policy is a good idea to sleep before signing a contract If you are not fully fluent German, ask a friend or colleague to go with you to the meeting.
Pflichtversicherung Insurance Compulsory insurance required by law If you have a car this includes motor liability insurance.

Selbstbeteiligung Selbstbehalt This is the franchise amount you must pay out of pocket if an insured event occurs It can be a fixed amount or a percentage.
Versicherer insurance provider The company from which you purchase your policy.
Versicherungsnehmer Policyholder The person who buys a policy from the insurance company, you normally or a member of your family.
Versicherungsfall insured event The event that triggers the payment of your insurance company, such as a car accident in the case of comprehensive car insurance or sickness in the case of Medicare.

Versicherungspr MIE Versicherungsbeitrag insurance contribution to insurance premiums or single or regular amount you pay to your insurance company The insurance policy determines the amount and when to pay.
Versicherungsleistung insurance benefit The benefit you receive from the insurance company if the insured event This can be a sum of money or replacement in kind The latter term means that the affected component is replaced, eg broken window is replaced by a new the maximum insurance benefit is defined in the insurance policy.

Insurance Making the most of a bad situation Making in Germany, insurance, do Germany.