Monday, October 9, 2017

How Germany Payment of taxes in Germany

Top 10 most countries tax in 2016

Expatriates living in Germany may be subject to German taxes, especially if they have German source revenues The German tax system is similar to structures in other Western countries You pay tax on income throughout the year , usually with a tax deduction of employer of each paycheck adjustments are then made at the end of the year as possible under or overpayments.
For 2014 and 2015 taxable income of less than 8354 was tax free for one person for a couple 16708 Income married to 52882 105764 for a single person to a couple were then taxed at a progressively increasing rate of 14 to 42 income 250730 501460 52882 105764 to have been taxed at 42 income on 250731 for a person to burn and 501,462 for a married couple were taxed at 45 for 2016 the amount of taxable income increased slightly taxable income is less than 8652 tax free for one person for a couple 17304 income married to 53665 107330 for a single person to a couple are taxed at a rate increasing progressively from 14 to 42 income 53666 107331 254446 508892 up are taxed at 42 income on 254 447 for a person to burn and 508,893 for a married couple are taxed at 45 on top of that, there is the solidarity surtax of 5 5 of the fee to cover the s ongoing costs of integration of the former East German states in the east.
As in many other countries, Germany provides a variety of deductions that can lower deductions from taxable income are granted for circumstances such as children under 18 or under 27 if still attending school and without compensation, said the insurance premiums, charitable contributions and policies to German entities up to certain limits and unavoidable extraordinary expenses above a certain limit, such as illness.
The compensation deductions are four retired social programs, unemployment, health insurance and long-term nursing care payments for those programs are normally borne equally by the employer and the employee from the employer contributions are not considered taxable income to the employee and the part of the employee is tax deductible up to a limit a tax advisor can tell you more on other deductions and requirements for win for more information, see our article on the German social security and employee benefits.
If a person is subject to German tax, generally most sources of income are taxable while the tax on wages Lohnsteuer, which alone accounts for a third of the German government revenues is deducted at source on income compensation from other sources, such as self-employment, service charges, rent collection, and other investments are covered by tax Einkommensteuer income.
The Lohnsteuer differs from Einkommensteuer by the collection method The Lohnsteuer is collected at source and paid directly to the tax office Finanzamt by the employer while the individual must pay the Einkommensteuer itself.

Based primarily on your final payment for the previous year, the Finanzamt considers your income tax for the current year and require you to make prepayments Vorauszahlungen a quarter of the tax on 10 March, 10 June, 10 September and 10 December the total tax liability is determined by filing a tax return on income, which includes all types of income from all sources of input tax salaries and interim payments are deducted from the tax liability Total for the reimbursement or payment of the final tax is assessed the tax assessment is usually issued by the Finanzamt between two and six months from the date of filing return No payment will be due before receipts of the notice of tax assessment.
Each tax return is being checked, so if the tax assessment is issued and is not preliminary, assessment can not be changed in the future by the occurrence of extraordinary circumstances e g evasion.
Generally, the tax return on the income rung Einkommensteuererkl must be filed by May 31 of the year following that in which the income was received If you use the help of a tax advisor, you have an automatic extension until September 30 to file may penalties and interest assessed if the return is filed late.
There are few situations must be considered the taxpayer is required to pay taxes, even if the income is below the personal allowance, especially when the tax-exempt income such as foreign source income for determining the progression clause in the tax rate applicable income taxes are then assessed on a sliding scale.
There is an unofficial tax calculator available online that can give you an idea of ​​what your Einkommensteuer or Lohnsteuer perhaps.

Click here for the calculator This should take you to the tax calculator on salary Click the upper right corner to the calculation of income tax.
In addition to the various forms of tax on income, there is also a series of sales taxes that have a significant impact on both individuals and businesses The main tax is the tax Mehrwertsteuer value, which represents a quarter of government revenue and is second to Lohnsteuer in this regard the Mehrwertsteuer assesses a levy on each stage of production and delivery of most of the products available for purchase It applies to services as well as goods and current standard rate is 19 a reduced rate of 7 currently applies to certain products, including foods and printed medical and insurance services are generally exempt, as are exports of foreign goods and services abroad .
Many other products, including gasoline, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea and coffee, carry sales taxes in addition to the Mehrwertsteuer There is also a tax Kirchensteuer Church, 8 to 9 the Einkommensteuer Lohnsteuer But you are not required to pay the tax unless you want to be officially affiliated with one of Germany established churches; Evangelisch usually Catholic or Protestant.
Overall, there are about 30 different types of taxes, including inheritance taxes, property and motor vehicles There is even a tax on gross receipts from lotteries managed by the State, although distributions to lucky lottery winners are tax free.
Because of the complexity of the German tax system, it is always advisable to hire a tax consultant Steuerberater to guide you through the complexities involved in the production declarations as well as provide some peace of mind during your stay at the abroad in addition, the German Finanzamt give you tax advice without charge If you are interested in more information in English on the German tax system, Bundeszentralamt of Steuern contains information on their website at this link you can also download their English language information booklet updated in August 2013 across the German tax system here.
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How Germany Payment of taxes in Germany, Germany, taxes, no married couple, single income couple.