Wednesday, October 4, 2017

How the company car drivers are taxed in the rest of Europe

How to calculate your private fuel allowance for your company car

How are company car drivers taxed in the rest of Europe.
A recent report published by the European Commission found that most EU countries bear the cost of the car in mind when calculating car tax of the company with only four of the 25 not taking costs account investment.
While the United Kingdom considers emissions list and CO2 prices, some will just list price aside Inevitably, each country has its own idea of ​​how many car drivers that the price list of companies should be struck for.
In Sweden there is 0 75 a month for the price Car least 321K SEK 24 6k still Austrian company car drivers can pay twice and in Norway the company car drivers can be struck for 2 50 of the price car list each month if their car costs more than 266300 NOK 21k.
In Germany, where one in four new cars were sold in Europe last year, it is 1 and s used to apply the so-called Entfernungspauschale or commuter tax, which taxes an employee at the wheel a company car at their workplace.

This is prepared by adding one of the car's list price to another 0 03 car list price per distance in kilometers between home and the office employee's private use of a car company by an employee is considered to be a benefit in kind for the purpose of tax on the German income and this applies to business leaders also lives longer an employee at the office, the more their tax bill on vehicles Einfach society.
Dutch company VADVZ motoring organization said in 2014 that the taxation imposed on the company car drivers in the Netherlands was out of proportion in a survey of drivers Dutch company cars, two-thirds of respondents said they had not been provided with the car of their choice, and therefore have been paying more tax on company cars.
Denmark Nearby is one of the latest examples of appeal fee on the company's vehicles, with its system significantly tightened in 2000 before the Danish tax base was 25 the value of the car to DKK 400,000 38k without further fees for more expensive cars than that.
This provides a major incentive for paying the high-income employees in the form of luxury cars, keeping in mind that the higher rate of income tax in Denmark was now above 60 for all employees full-time.
However, at the turn of the millennium, the part of the price of the car that exceeded 400 000 DKK was included in the tax base with an allocation rate of 20 This caused a dramatic drop in company car sales with a price tag of more than 1 million Danish kroner and a significant increase in sales of those that cost between 500 000 DKK 1 million Danish kroner.

Employees Belgium, Italy and Poland lead their company car for non-commercial purposes are not taxed on the value of the car instead, the tax base is calculated using the official schedules km- fixed rates for private travel These rates are designed to work by car per mile depreciation and variable costs such as fuel, insurance and repairs.
In Estonia, however, private use of a company car is imposed by a fixed amount around 1500, which depends on the value of the car, nor the amount of private conduct or business.
In Hungary, the company car tax comes to the enterprise level and is based on the engine capacity of the vehicle, however, it encourages employees to limit the vehicle's personal use and does not equate the different forms of compensation .
Far from Europe, Mexico does not have a fee in place for personal use of a company car, due to the perceived complexity of the estimation from the use and cost that should be attributed to personal use rather than business use.

How the company car drivers are taxed in the rest of Europe, company drivers, imposed, rest.