DEFINE Per Mårtensson for horn and Live Electronics, the world
Collins English Dictionary - full head, the highest part of the body, with derivatives referring to horned animals, horn-shaped objects and projecting portions cf Greek horn karnon, Latin cornu horn, Sanskrit horn, persian head sar the head of the Avesta, the Greek head koryphe, deer Cervus Latin, Welsh deer horns reference to AIDA is first recorded in 1901 meaning figurative horned included Latin highlight, main argument; wing flank; power, courage, strength, sense of slang jazz trumpet is telephone 1921 Meaning in 1945.
1690, providing horns, horn n Earlier in the figurative sense cuckold 1540s sense to push the horns of cattle, buffalo, etc. Is 1851 American English; Intrusion horn sentence in 1880, American English, slang originally cowboy.
1690, providing horns, horn n Earlier in the figurative sense cuckold 1540s sense to push the horns of cattle, buffalo, etc. Is 1851 American English; Intrusion horn sentence in 1880, American English, slang originally cowboy.
Online Etymology Dictionary 2010 Douglas Harper Cite source.
One of the hard structures, usually permanent projecting from the head of certain mammals, such as cattle, comprising a bone core covered with a keratin material sheath.
A hard protuberance that is similar or suggestive of a horn.
The keratinous material forming the hard, smooth outer shell animal horns.
All of the major subdivisions of the lateral ventricle in the cerebral hemisphere of the brain's frontal horn, occipital horn and temporal horn horned Also called.
The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company Published by Houghton Mifflin Company Quote this source.
Each bony growths protruding from the top of the head of some ungulates, such as cattle, sheep and goats The horns of these animals are never recovered, and they consist of bone covered by keratin.
A hard growth that looks like a horn, as an antler or a projection on the head of a giraffe or rhinoceros Unlike true horns, antlers fall each year and have a velvet lining and rhino horns are not made of bone but of hairy skin merged with keratin.
The durable hard material which form the outer envelope of true horns It consists of keratin.
Scientific American Heritage Dictionary Copyright 2002 published by Houghton Mifflin All rights reserved Cite this source.
A penile erection; I could have beat hard-five guy with the horn I had of 1785.
The phone I get straight on the horn Eckert, 1940.
The Dictionary of American Slang, Fourth Edition by Barbara Ann Kipfer, PhD and Robert L Chapman, Ph.D. Copyright C 2007 by HarperCollins Quote this source.
Horn Horn Set, horn City from this source, 1540. Meaning pushed 1851 US English.