Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Halloween in Germany Young Germany

This is Halloween // Jonathan Young METAL / ROCK COVER

Süß oder saueres is what you might hear the trick-or-treating children in Germany say when they knock on your door but do not expect a lot of visitors unless you live in an American colony especially on a military base or a big city.
Halloween was celebrated in Germany for just over two decades, and tower aspects of Halloween traditions fact many Germans angry, according to Spiegel Online, as well as the overlap with a celebration that follows the day of St. Martin, less two weeks after Halloween in November 11 on the children of St. Martin walking in the neighborhood with lanterns, singing songs and reciting poems in exchange for treats.
Although many Germans are unhappy with the growing popularity of Halloween in Germany, retailers are happy Halloween is reported to make more than 200 million in revenue annually Costumes on sale in department stores and candy Halloween themed appears on supermarket shelves while in America Halloween costumes can represent just about everything - princesses and dragons movie characters, doctors and vampires - Germany costumes should be scary if you want to buy a pre-fab costume that is not horror themed, visit costume shops around Fasching in February, the largest costume party in Germany.
Dieter Tschorn, a public relations consultant for the German Toy and Novelty Retailers Association has named himself the father Halloween German When the German government canceled the Fasching celebrations in 1991 due to the Gulf War, said Tschorn -he introduced Halloween in Germany to compensate for lost sales among costumers and other retailers the industry was forced to find a way to compensate for losses Halloween was chosen, he told Spiegel online.
Whether the growing popularity of Halloween in Germany is due to the work of Americanization Marketing Tschorn, the number of Halloween themed parties and events give the impression that it is here to stay.

If you live in a big city, there may be neighborhoods or apartment buildings that organize informal trick or treating If there is a US military base near you, check out their calendar of events for the events of local Basically Halloween in Germany, Halloween is a holiday celebrated by adults at parties themed costume and clubs.
Pumpkin Festivals are also a popular way to celebrate both the arrival of autumn and Halloween with the whole family The Pumpkin Festival Land Retzer --just outside Vienna, Austria - is the most famous of them, but a little googling can rotate a pumkpin patch with closest events of Halloween pumpkins carved find home in Germany should be no problem, they are part of many favorite seasonal dishes, and you'll find them in supermarkets and farmers markets in abundance.
The Halloween event the oldest and most revered in Germany takes place in Burg Frankenstein near Darmstadt Even if the castle was actually the inspiration for Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein is ideal for are free to wander visitors in ruins Halloween event chilling appropriate, while actors dressed as vampires, ghosts and other macabre Ceatures; voltage declines; and a soundtrack uncanny to the castle ruins feel like a haunted house really.
There are three other Halloween significant events that occur every year in Germany Tucherland Halloween Party is an event overnight for children taking place in a playground covered in Nuremberg, with face painting, sculpture pumpkin and scary stories Movie Park Horror Fest was, from 2014, being 16 years Located north of Essen, this event has a lot of zombies, monsters and mazes Finally, Mayen market Festival magic in the Eifel region includes a parade, pumpkin carving, costumes and even beer LEGOLAND recently started a Halloween event and the costumed kids have free parking access October 31.
Good advice October 31 is the date for another day German holiday, Reformationstag Reformationstag is a celebration of the reform of the Church, especially the Lutherans, and is a public holiday in the states of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern West, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.

Have you ever celebrated Halloween in Germany Hop on our facebook page and tell us.

Halloween in Germany Young Germany, halloween, germany, the growing popularity Germany, Halloween growing popularity.