Friday, August 11, 2017

Noël allemand

German Christmas music

One of the main holidays in Germany Weihnachten Christmas or Christmas Day is a time for introspection and to share with family and friends involved in addition to the customs and traditions is something that many German families do a simple way to have a picture of a greate time.
The traditional German celebration begins on December 6, Saint-Nicolas As part of the tradition, children hang a shoe in the chimney During the night, the house visit St Nicolas per house, if children were well boots are filled with delicious candy, but if they were not good footwear are filled with twigs.
According to legend, in Germany during Christmas Eve many magical things happen rivers turn to wine, the ringing of church bells can be heard from the depths of the sea, the animals talk, flowers trees are full of fruit and a magical event and mountains open to reveal precious stones; but only the pure in heart can make some of that magic.
The Christmas tradition in Germany most popular is the Christmas tree These trees have a special significance for the Germans and are also known as the life of trees like the Germans have emigrated to other countries, the custom of trees Christmas was spread people buy holiday cookies and marzipan sweets bakeries in this season are well stocked a variety of toys and other gifts are offered on foreign markets more, people wish Merry Christmas Weihnachten dolls fruit of traditional Christmas toys paste German fir, Christbaumgeback is traditional too; is a white paste which can be molded into shapes and baked for tree decorations.
Before the evening celebration, presented the Christmas tree that is decorated with candy, cookies, apples, angels, candles, lights and toys All gifts are under the tree and decorated plates full of nuts, marzipan chocolates, cookies and fruit are prepared for each family member.
The sound of the bell that everything is ready to share this magical moment with the family A Christmas story is read, the presents are opened and Christmas traditional hymns are sung.

Officially, the Noël allemand begins on the first Sunday of Advent or Adventszeit The lights in the exterior decoration of houses, businesses and streets, beautiful houses gingerbread, traditional Christmas cookies, pyramids German Christmas and nativity scenes are signs that Christmas is coming.
In Germany, there are important figures as the angel Weihnachtsmann is a messenger of Christ child and brings a basket of toys; Another known figure is the man called Christmas Weihnachtsmann resembling Santa Other popular German Christmas tradition is the Christbaumloben December 26, announcing their arrival visit the St Stephen's Day friends with the popular phrase Ein Baum or schoener a beautiful tree They stay a while in the house before moving on to the next house to the proclamation.
For Christmas dishes such as suckling pig, sweet cinnamon known as macaroni salad reisbrei, white sausage and other traditional dishes are part of the menu.
Banquet Christmas day delicious dishes are prepared with plump roast goose, long rolls bursting with nuts, raisins, citron and dried fruit known as Christstollen Marzipan Lebkuchen and Stollen Dresden for the Christmas season special dishes are prepared as.
Lebkuchen are like spicy gingerbread cookies.

Stollen is a Christmas cake German type, a kind of soft, dense and filled with fruit bread moist.
Christstollen are long bread stuffed with citrus fruits, dried fruits and nuts.
Pfefferkuchenhaus a gingerbread house decorated with candy, sweets and sugar.
Marzipankartoffeln is a circular treat marzipan.
Roast goose protein choice for many Christmas parties.
Weisswurst sausage of veal and bacon, usually seasoned with parsley, lemon, mace, onions, ginger and cardamom.

Kartoffelsalat potato salad with Wiener sausage is traditionally consumed in northern Germany for lunch on Christmas Eve.
Smoked ham Schдufele usually served with a potato salad in southern Germany for dinner on Christmas Eve.
Kinderpunsch is a non-alcoholic beverage tea, apple juice and honey.
Ale Christmas or winter beer, robust bodied winter beer and full product for Christmas.

Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht, Alles schl ft; einsam Wacht Nur das Paar Traute hochheilige Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar, Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh.
Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht, Hirten erst kundgemacht Durch der Engel Halleluja, fern laut von T nt und nah Christ, der Retter ist da Christ, da der Retter ist.
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht, Gottes Sohn, o wie aus lacht Lieb deinem g ttlichen Mund, Da die of schl gt rettende Stund Christ, in deiner Geburt Christ, in deiner Geburt.
Durch die Stille Nacht pa pam pam crawled Da ging ein kleiner Junge crawled pam pam Hielt Spielzeugtrommel seine in der hand Wollt zu dem Stall, wo die Wiege standing Rampa pam pam, pam pam rampa Klang und die Trommel parampa pam pam durch das Land.

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Kann nur trommeln fur dich crawled pam pam Wenn s dir gefllt Und vom Himmel hoch parampa pam pam Da kam Stern herab parampa pam pam Er fhrte in die Stille Straen entlang und seine kleine Trommel klar im Blood Rampa pam pam, crawled pam pam Da zum Heil der Welt pa pam pam crawled Christus kam pa pam pam crawled, pam pam Rampa.

Noël allemand, German Christmas Nacht Heilige Nacht.