Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Germans came to build cars, but they got a lesson on Alabama

Homeless VS Rich Prank!

Germans came to build cars, but they got a lesson in Alabama.
When the Mercedes engineers have worked with American engineers on cars to be sold to the American public, cup holders were controversial.
German engineers have said, Who drive a car and drink coffee is not safe, said Bill Taylor, former president and CEO of U S Mercedes Benz International We fought the need to not only cup holder, but lots of cup holders.
But when you're driving 100 miles per hour on the highway, cultural security expectations are different, Taylor said.
Taylor, now President of the Partnership for Economic Development of Alabama, spoke to the Birmingham International Center Spotlight on China Business Roundtable said Friday it had hundreds of similar stories that workers German Mercedes engages Alabamians.
The Alabama auto industry German cultures, Japanese and Korean - and you never know what cultural differences are meeting, Taylor said, but it is essential for international affairs, he said.

It is about respect for the other differences and learning these differences and why there are differences, says Taylor.
This is one reason why Mercedes has launched a program for its international employees in Alabama where families in international same age and makeup with local families Employees helped each other in the factory, but the culture shock came outside work.
The host families have helped the family home with the visit to the doctor, dentist appointments, driving licenses, Taylor said that when cultural changes happen.
German employees, when they arrived in Alabama, said they didn t need air conditioning, he said he only took one summer for Alabama to reconsider this.
There's all kinds of little interesting customs, said Taylor.

It is a process regardless of the culture, Taylor said he recalled working with a Japanese colleague in Canada Mercedes seemed very stressed about a problem at home.
I went and told my wife, cut the grass isn t And she said, not my job, Taylor recalled his colleague to tell him he is a huge embarrassment His wife was Canadianizing.

Germans came to build cars, but they got a lesson on Alabama, Germans came, build, cars.