Thursday, August 24, 2017

German Shepherd Dog Information about races

Alsatian German Shepherd, Alsatian Wolfdog, German Shepherd, and Deutscher Schäferhund.
Puppy Price Average Price for the selected race is 1150 If you choose to adopt, expect the adoption fee cost about 175.
Recurring medical examinations, vaccinations, prevention of heart worm and flea tick topical prevention.
The Medicare insurance coverage varies some policies cover Spay neauter, vaccinations and heartworm medications annual deductible will also vary according to the policy.

Other medical initial deworming, basic blood tests and microchip.
Data from the ASPCA and Kiplinger's list of dog breeds.
Press accounts from 1982 tied the German Shepherd to 123 human attacks, which ranks in the top 10 dog attacks Attacks include death, mutilation and other injuries requiring prolonged treatment in the hospital.
Regarding the important injuries such as permanent disfigurement or loss of a limb, the German Shepherd has been involved in 81 mutilation.

Involved in these attacks were 67 child victims and 47 adult victims Although the average number of attacks is about 4 per year some care and caution are warranted when near this breed of dog.
Unfortunately, 15 deaths were attributed to the German shepherd During the broadcast of incidents over the years, it is unlikely that the German shepherd cause death.
I can honestly say I had 3 German Shepherds and I can tell you they are wonderful family dogs The first, which was not Schutzhund trained, saved my life in a 3 on 1 knife robbery attack and if it wasn t for him, I would not be here today Two of the three died at the age of 13, and I hope they live longer if not the most race intelligent dog, however, is one of the most intelligent, I would advise people that this breed is now actually three distinct races You see east Germany was separated from West Germany for 75 These dogs have more years back right, are sable, and are more lines of work they conduct more defensive, and are away from strangers, and are loyal to the breed standard, they are a little more aggressive, or can be brought in dogs Border Patrol Checkoslovakian dogs come from Germany Is DDR My second dog, Andrew, was bloodlines East Germany, it was an excellent companion dog, but he was my dog ​​Schutzhund and I competed wit h in both AKC obedience and Schutzhund not all German Shepard protect, or genetic nerve force in a situation of fight or flight to stick with the owner, instead of fleeing These dogs are, and act in real life situaiton However, you must be an experienced owner with a dominant personality which socializes the dog, but uses both the love and the other line is the American firm Showline They are everywhere in terms of tempermant and is a watered down version of DLG, and are more like Golden Retrievers in Shepard body I do not like a dog that will welcome a stranger with the same affection that the family I want Shepard aloofness with the family they are too smart, but they lack entered înement defense or drive prey to another famous line is the West German line of work they are somewhat between They drive prey, and can be trained in prey drive, but drive less defensive than their cousins ​​east Germany It's the Show West Germany line, not diff erent from the US show online.
So if you want an adorable dog, get a Golden Retriever It is very, very obedient and easy dog ​​to train tricks and commands If you just want a Schutzund or KPNV dog, get Belgain Malinois or Turveran They are similar to DLG, but still, they put off for wired for my taste, but if you want a dog that can be a family dog, and a protector, get a German shepherd, but make sure you understand the sub -pool genetics you get from it is really as nearly three distinct races under the same name.
I have all 4 of my DLG Schutzhund dogs German lines even I was a dog breeder only verd hard, but they protect me and the house I live in the mountains, so we fauna, bears and coyotes my GSD and my gold out those off gold will never be aggressive, but Heidi shows and bark and no harm me in his presence.

My parents had a German Shepard when I was two I grew up with him and he was a big part of my and my sisters child development, I used to play fight with him when assigning younger and he never had aggressive, if he ever did go a little disk of the excitement he immediately stopped to see if I was ok, not malice in him, he was smart enough to know not be too excited with other children physically play only with people he felt comfortable enough to do it, which was almost exclusively family, it would never start, only started when we did it was a good guard dog, barking only selectively if he thought there was a possible example of threat late at night if a car linger around, etc. It was interesting to see him interact with foreigners, if they walk in the yard, he hung around them suspicious when one of us recognize that it would stop and look carefully, and after feeling the the atmosphere was good as it is warm to the person if unwelcome pe rson was he who was speaking with the guest and carefully wait until the person had left was super intelligent in its ability to detect situations and act accordingly, something I have not seen in a dog ever since.
Abstract A large dog in every way could it be left alone without problem, very good with children, was careful with strangers, could read the situation and change his mood suspect result, happy, playful, friendly and so very, very intelligent, playful, and very loyal THANKFUL one of my favorite things about him, would really appreciate things, food, treats, walks, etc. He lived for 17 years and had to be euthanized arthritis but all other facets of it was 100 healthy according Vets urges everyone, especially if a family.
Big dog if you are interested in spending a lot of training time and take care of it I like these But many people don t spend time with them, thinking that they are easy pets, which is completely false If you want a German shepherd, please think long and hard about the actual time that you will spend when it beforehand.
My climbs 18MB in bed with the dog, but Monty our 9yo won DLG t jump and risk hitting on, it moves when I give permission Just a dream with small, so sweet, but part of that is the personality and also can vary from dog to dog trainable and follows commands if your consistent, you need to socialize so they are not defensive aggressive to other dogs they protect your family home, but have to be trained to call off or they can bark warnings too, for example to foreigners or the door Monty doesn t jump or play tug rough to say or grunt with my son I highly recommend a raw food diet, the better for them and good-hair ratio are everywhere so expect a lot of vacuuming, weekly brushing and they need a good walk 3 times one week Our dog is ex i work was his master and did training innings, custody and protection, but has a sweet temperament and is a member of the wonderful family and now nine years old to get pet stiff but still playful and happy â.
Lol funny is good and incredibly lucky with the control of your German Shepherd.
Simply the best multi-dog world of the thing I love most about my DLG, Saber, is that in training, it does not work for treats, but responds to His praise as if he wants to make me happy some days more than others Saber has won many obedience competitions and achieved the title of Champion OC obedience, but more importantly, he is a member of the family and beloved German shepherds do shed their fur a once a year, 365 days of it a small price to pay for a truly amazing companion.

My GSD current is 12 months, but we have a little over a month, he needed re-homing after its previous master dies Our previous dog DLG also died just before the age of 13, before race, he was never sick There were five shepherds if I include my way to see grandma dog eyes Hermina they are loyal, independent thinkers, very bright, and apart from that they are delicious clumsy clowns There is no better breed, best if you spend a lot of time teaching and training, they were easily if they are not given enough to do, and they need to work, so let carry things for you in a vest, let them find you hide treats throughout the house, my other herd animals previous Shep Belvedere quarrel my hamster while I was cleaning their cages, and three cats policed ​​my first shepherd Brutus was a gift from my boss who was concerned about my agoraphobia after rape a few years ago What a wonderful feeling to feel safe again, even at night I feel completely s afe They were all good with children, but I do not let rough play My Gir DLG current perfectly behaved with a two year old, it intelligently adjusts the way he behaves, I can not imagine the feeling that good in another race, and I doubt I ever will a German shepherd in my life.
I grew up with German Shepherds For me they are the best breed of dog they are intelligent, very protective, good with children, faithful However, if you get it, it must be part of your family by your side, they are so smart you can not just put them in the backyard and forget that make them crazy and that means they need to be involved in your life, go places with you and your family they need proper socialization when young and they need firm but gentle training with you like you can not go wrong with a DLG The only bad thing is that they lose, but it's a small price to pay for having a pet dog that will protect you in your car or at home and give his life for you.
All u can have a single friend, a protector, a love it.
I was born and grew up with these amazing dogs that I also have a choice of my husband breed boxer, they are also incredible DLG is on my side, custody, protection, look and just want to be loved and admired the Boxer makes me laugh, smile and is always snuggle hug companion dogs that are equally outstanding and if one is lucky to have either race in his life, you are blessed that being said, I would have say, I lean a little more on my side Shepherds were my first love, after all I hope that I would ever have to choose between one or the other if I feel the best of both worlds .

Its a very reactive dogs and is very smart in terms of theifs.

German Shepherd Dog Information about races, German shepherd breed.