Monday, August 14, 2017

German Flash Cards

German courses for children

German Flash Cards Click here for the full version of Take a moment to tell us what you think of the program by filling out this quick survey.
Having trouble viewing the page Make sure you have Adobe Flash 8 or higher.
Quick Overview The best way to familiarize yourself with the program is to read the Help menu browsing Sá It includes screen shots for clarity, and includes an index screen to allow you to quickly navigate to the section you want For those of you who can bring you t read help menus, some quick directions are lower.
Loading pre-made maps from the database by the University of Michigan and courses or by part of speech and meaning or category.
Creating custom maps individually or load them from a word list so that, in particular, you can use this program to study not only German and other languages, but any other flash card form information.

The examination of purely visual maps, or by typing in the translations.
Shuffling cards; choice of which side of the cards up.
The choice between the text prompts and audio prompts.
Get tips that show you some of the translation.

Early indications 1 flash cards in charge of the main deck by choosing from the following options.
Load the card database e g German 101 Vorsprung Kapitel 4.
Create your own custom maps individually or using a list of words.
Load the saved session map to return to the cards you have already registered.

2 Now go through the cards in both the main deck one by using the arrow keys.
Use the up arrow to flip the card over and decide whether or not you're familiar with the vocab on the map.
If the card is immediately familiar, use the key left arrow to move it easy bridge at the top left.
If you decide you need to continue to study this card, use the right arrow to move it up hard Bridge right.
Use the arrow down key once or several times as a Cancel button if you accidentally send one or more cards on the deck evil.

3 When you reach the end of the main deck, easy platform must contain all the cards you already know, and hard deck must contain all the cards you still need to consider in the space where the bridge main used to be, you can choose the deck you want to return to the main deck to examine; Normally, you would choose the hard deck.
4 More details on the options available to you in the Help menu, but here's a quick summary.
The flags on the right of the main deck lets you choose which side of the card faces, i e which language upwards.
The buttons to the left of the main deck allows, up and down for.
Open a key field so you can type your answers if you like.
Remove cards from a specified set e g Easy platform, once you have decided don not need to study these more cards.

Source Franz Marc clutter source of all other background images Photographs taken by Hartmut Rastalsky.

German Flash Cards, German flash cards.