Saturday, August 12, 2017

German Culture vs

German universities VS American Universities | German Culture

German culture is more than 2000 years and has changed and evolved as most crops are on a prolonged period of time The first detailed description of German culture was written by Jules César in his culture Wars American Gaul, however , developed over a relatively short time scale of the American culture history is a mixture of Anglo-Saxon, French and Native American beliefs and customs, in addition to a multitude of other cultural practices in the New World by American immigrants.
German is the official language of the Federal Republic of Germany is a member of the West Germanic languages ​​and is spoken by about 120 million people in the German world is used in all aspects of German society, from schools to functions English government, spoke in its American form, is the recognized language of the United States, but not the English official language is also a member of the West Germanic languages ​​but was strongly influenced by the French after the Norman conquest of 1066.
German teenagers usually complete their high school diploma at the age of 16, when they decide to transfer to the trade school, university, or the labor market driving licenses are not obtained until the age of 18 alcoholic drinks such as beer can be legally purchased by teenagers from the age of 16 American teenagers complete their studies at the end of the 12th year, which is around 17 or 18 at the time, they decide to enter the labor market, continue their education or enter the armed teenager A can lead to age 18 but can not purchase alcohol until age 21 years.
In Germany's Eve New Year's or Silvester, is celebrated by friends and family members at their home The traditional meal consists of pork ribs and grilled sausages, cooked in sauerkraut for the whole day warm Gluehwein a wine tasting is served, like other spirits and beer strikes midnight is celebrated with fireworks, a toast to the new year, and a joyous Prost Neu Jahr in celebration of the new year America are to be celebrated at home or in bars or nightclubs snacks are mostly served at a party with music and dancing to follow the celebrations wrap with a countdown to midnight, followed by a toast resolutions New year New year are also common in the United States, where people promise to give something, mostly a bad habit.

For breakfast most Germans eat something light A boiled egg or a high slice list, with butter and jam roller Lunch at noon is generally too light, with pork ribs, sausages grilled, or a favorite noodle salad dinner is a big deal in Germany schnitzel or sauerbraten can be served with a gypsy sauce and fries or other potato dishes most families sit together and talk about their day in the breakfast in America is greater Pancakes case, sausages and eggs or French toast can be served lunch is usually a small meal with sandwiches, soups, salads or tide a person over dinner is usually served at mid-evening Steak, burgers, seafood and are favorites.
Among men in Germany are required to serve a year and a half in both the army Bundeswehr or Seemacht navy Apart from physical disabilities, all men should appeal to the age of 18 in the US the four branches of the military depend male volunteers to 16 years are allowed to enroll and can report to work after graduating range from initial enlistments secondary two to six years, depending on the work the recruit's interest.

German Culture vs, German culture, West Germanic member.