Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Autobahn German Autobahn German Autobahn History

Adolf Hitler came to the inauguration of 1000 km Autobahn in Germany. HD clips

Germany is famous for its automotive engineering activities Mercedes, BMW and Volkswagen spring readily to mind and what better compliment to their beautiful cars that effective and pleasant way The Autobahn is synonymous with Germany.
German Autobahn history dates back to 1913 when construction began Autobahn is considered the first highway in the world Initially it was only a short section of 12 near mile southwest Berlin This little German Autobahn history remains to this day serving racetrack during the 1920s and 30s, Italy has built its first Autobahn while Germany created the first single automobile roads; they went from Cologne to Bonn and D sseldorf and OPLADEN the end of World War II, the Autobahn network covered an area of ​​over 1,300 miles It's been growing over the years and in 2004 it passed 7500 miles.
At the beginning of the German Autobahn history, conditions were less than ideal Medians were all but unknown and even when they were present shoulders were often missing after reunification, many autobahn of East Germany were in the same condition they were in 1945. As a result, the German government quickly developed a program to improve the Autobahn in 2004, more than two thirds of east German roads were upgraded.
Today, the German Autobahn is a well-designed highway, you might have a conception of this sprawling Autobahn German Autobahn filled with hundreds of cars zipping by such incredible speeds Actually this Sá safe environment reasonably controlled While much of the Autobahn leaves each speed of the motorist at their own discretion, the German Government points out that you should not go faster than 130 km h 81 mph in heavy traffic areas , cities, or bad weather, speed limits are displayed.

The Autobahn is not only well designed but carefully maintained state of the art electronic monitoring systems have been established to monitor the weather and traffic density These systems can then dynamically change the speed limit to warn drivers in advance.
Given the location of Germany as the crossroads of Europe, traffic can be thick enough on the Autobahn This is especially true on Fridays, weekends and holidays You will see signs along the side the road that indicate which radio station to tune to the traffic reports and updates you will need to have a working knowledge of German to understand it well.
In addition, the German Autobahn is like most American roads do not pass on the right if you break down, alert the nearest authorities and place a warning triangle about 600 feet behind your car The only important thing to keep in mind is that it is actually illegal to run out of gas during the Autobahn so keep an eye on this gauge and pull to fill when you can.

The Autobahn German Autobahn German Autobahn History, German autobahn, history, German history Autobahn.