Sunday, July 30, 2017

German carnival_1

Rosenmontag Karneval Sunday in Cologne | Carnival in Cologne, Germany in 2017 4K

Karneval Carnival is one of the most famous events in Germany.
There are many cultural events throughout the year in Germany and in fact it is the country with the most vacation days throughout Europe.
Carnival officially begins before Christmas, the 11 month 11-11 11:00 Uhr elften elften elf elf official Council meeting Elferrat Eleven, a German tradition dating from 1823.
Members of the Board of wear crazy hats as their official headgear The council also organizes shows Prunksitzung called with club members and guests of the dance, comedy and songs, all dressed in costume, of course.

But after this meeting, it is more or less dormant until after Christmas, and in the case of most German regions until the Three Kings, January 6th.
It is a time of wild celebrations, and the western part of Germany, in particular North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, is famous for Karneval celebrations with parades and costume balls and costumes handmade, and jokes of all kinds.
To this end, there is a special day Thursday before Ash Wednesday for women called Altweiber older women or women Weiberfastnacht day or as known in the regions of Baden-WГјrttemberg, parts of Bavaria and Alsace Schmotziger Donnerstag or Fettdonnerstag in standard German, schmutzig means dirty, and you would think schmotzig would mean the same thing, but in fact the name of the local dialect which means schmotzig fat; Greasy Thursday like Mardi Gras Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
During that day, Schmotziger Donnerstag, PORTER ladies working a pair of scissors and cut off happily men TIES There are even stores that sell links good market especially ugly for the occasion is also a excuse for women to go out by themselves, for girls only at night, and leave the kids at home with their men.
In parts of East and South Germany as Heidelberg and Austria the carnival is called Fasching, while Franconia and South West parts of Germany it is called Fastnacht or Fastnet.

Although the German Karneval starts again after Christmas on the 6th January with some activities such as dinners, a meeting with the Queen and King, and bullets, real carnival week with the real festivities begin on Thursday before Wednesday Aschermittwoch the Ashes.
The parades are held mostly on weekends Rosenmontag before Rose Monday, or Monday itself before Mardi Gras.
In some areas, the parades are Faschingsdienstag Mardi Gras itself, but this is not the norm better ask around the date of the actual parade in your area because it varies each time is the parade, the carnival season, for all of Germany, ends with ash Wednesday, the main festivities happening around Rosenmontag tradition, Karneval period is called the fifth season of the year.
In the Rhine Valley and the Rhineland carnival is very important and celebrated by everyone It started as a way to express, through parody and mockery, anti-Prussian sentiments and anti-subversive French during occupation.

This was the foundation of a Carnival club Cologne ln KГ in 1823 that began the modern tradition of the region along the Rhine Now, most cities and villages of the Rhineland have their own individual's most famous traditions Carnival in KГ Cologne, Mainz and DГјsseldorf.
As mentioned above, the highlight of the carnival, with parades, is around Rose Monday Rosenmontag Rosenmontag and although not himself a public holiday in the Rhine Valley, you have to be careful about where you want go and what you want to do that day because most workplaces are closed and most shops open only in the morning or not at all.
The biggest parades are on Rose Monday in Cologne and DГјsseldorf and are called Rosenmontagszug parade Monday During these events, hundreds of thousands of people celebrated in the streets dressed in costumes.
Each city has its special cry for the event, eg in Cologne, Bonn and Aachen Alaaf While in DГјsseldorf and Mainz is Helau.
The Karneval Official opening in NeckargemГјnd Hajo und Helau.
Imagine the night in the cold, adult men and women dressed in funny costumes and a little crazy medieval looking pointy hats with bells, while bands play music for the occasion, one of these bands all dressed in costumes money flashy while another is, well, firemen, and thus, dressed accordingly, either with fire jackets and pants These firefighters are also those who walk and play music in front of officials when Elferrat they arrive on the town square for the opening ceremony.

The debates take place on the square Marktplatz walked past the old church where the silver band already we first expected the queen of the year Prinzessin Anke I, a teacher at the local kindergarten is presented to us, Mayor gives the town of key Anke I for that real celebration can begin.
The President read us also some new regulations for the duration of Karneval, such as; employees and visitors of the Rathaus __gVirt_NP_NN_NNPS<__ hôtel de ville doivent jouer au Monopoly peut-être avec de l'argent réel, il est indécis à ce moment, tout le monde doit chanter et danser dans la rue, les gens d'être vu sans un sourire doivent être condamné à une amende personne ne sait combien d'argent , etc.
Tout au long de la cérémonie, les groupes jouent de la musique Puis, comme la reine de l'année dernière est sur le point de donner la nouvelle reine son sceptre et un discours, commence à marcher loin de la bande d'argent et tous les fonctionnaires suivent donc, l'ex-reine doit garder le sceptre et marcher après eux les lecteurs de musique peu espiègle.
Bien sûr, quand on parle des événements spéciaux, on ne peut oublier l'Bier en Allemagne Et donc, il y a de la bière gratuitement à tous directement du tonneau.

But the big problem is the Saturday before Rosenmontag Rose Monday, with more than play groups and a big parade and therefore, better be there.

German carnival_1, German, Rosenmontag Rose Monday.