Tuesday, July 18, 2017

German car horn


A hard countable growth of keratin that protrudes from the top of the head of certain animal usually in pairs.
Any real growth or the like or imaginary projection such that the elongated form of a tusk narval the eyestalk a snail sharp growth on the nose of a rhinoceros or projection corneas on the head of a daemon or the like.
Uncountable hard substance from which the horns of animals are made, sometimes used by humans as a material for manufacturing various items of an umbrella with a handle horn.
An object whose shape looks like a horn, such as horn point of an anvil or a container for the powder or liquid.

The Thomson moon Wears a wan circle round her blunted horns.
The high pommel of the saddle; In addition, one of the projections on the saddle of a lady for supporting the leg.
Water The outer end of a hune; In addition, one of the projections forming the jaws of a gaff arrow etc.
A projection carpentry curve on the front part of an aircraft.
One of the projections around the altar of the Jewish Holocaust.

Bible, 1 Kings 28 ii Joab grabbed the horns of the altar.
All countable several musical wind instruments.
ACCOUNTANT An instrument that resembles a musical horn and used to report other hunting horn.
Countable an audible alarm including one on a motor vehicle.
Countable conical device used for direct waves horn speaker antenna horn.

Countable informal Generally, any brass wind instrument.
Countable slang ferrules shaped former horn communication systems that use air tubes telephone.
Uncountable definite article vulgar slang An erection of the penis.
A countable peninsula tube-shaped or crescent earth to browse around the horn.
Countable A diacritical mark that can be attached to the upper right corner of the letters o and u when writing in Vietnamese forming ö and Û.
Botanical A curved, tapering and pointed appendage found in the flowers of the milkweed Asclepias.

When used alone to refer to an instrument, horn can mean hunting horn or French horn, as the context Other instruments are identified by specific adjectives such as the English horn and basset horn.
Hard substance whose horns are made of keratin.
Audible alarm, in particular on a motor vehicle horn hooter.
British slang fan telephone, dog and bone Cockney rhyming slang, telephone.

Crude slang erection Boner US hard on stiffy.

German car horn, horn particular alarm engine, particularly motor vehicle alarm.