Saturday, July 29, 2017

Festivals and recipes German Carnival

Beautiful Carnival celebration in Cologne, Germany

Karneval in Cologne in 2009 by Harold R CC-SA attrib.
Karneval starts from November 11 to November 11 in the morning that day in November is also Martinstag when goose is eaten and Christmas carols are sung by children from door to door begging for candy see on Martinstag.
At that time, the Narren which resulted hoaxers or pranksters, but much more serious, at least in terms Karneval, present the royal couple for Karneval Prinzenkürung explain the theme for the year and the keys to more the city, usually an oversized together, just for fun.
See here for a dictionary and look Karneval dates for Karneval in Germany.
Karnevalsbälle has become an important feature of Karneval in the 19th and 20th centuries Each Karnevalsverein Carnival Club would put one on, starting after the Epiphany celebration in January and lasting throughout the season until Ash Wednesday.
Most of these parties are costume balls with characters from fairy tales, harem girls and as popular choices of dress-up.

At these parties, the usual fare consists of cold salads like macaroni or rice salads, cold Frikadellen bread and cheese, skewers with fruit and cheese soup goulash or midnight soup, and desserts that can held in the hand or over the normal rate pudding, are often present Karneval deals with fried fritters and do not forget the raw pork hedgehog Mettigel Although not as important as it was, Mett is a very popular treat this heavy fare creates a base to enjoy beer that is drunk.
Karneval Treaty on the Rhine in Düsseldorf, Cologne.
Duesseldorfer s prefer Altbier and Kölnern citizens of Cologne drink Kölsch Karneval While they migrate to heavier dishes such as Eisbein Sauerbraten or Himmel und Aad Mutzenmandeln their favorite, fried donuts These are almond shaped, flavored almond ground and almond extract and deep fried sugar is sprinkled on top.
The Black Forest is the heart of Swabia, a Catholic and historically poor area Fastnacht, another word for Fasching is celebrated only people in parades dressed in traditional Pretzels costumes and candy are thrown to passersby and Rosetten are popular fried treats Read more about Fasching here.
Basler Fastnet starts the Monday after Ash Wednesday and continues for three days you can eat breakfast at three in the morning in your hotel, you will not miss the start of one of the most beautiful parades, the Morgestraich at four o'clock all the street lights go out, and Paraders light their own lanterns After about three hours of watching the parade in the cold, revelers adjourn to another Basler tradition, warm up with a bowl of flour MORE Zwiebelwähe Mehlsuppe and a flat bread onion and sometimes cheese and onion, on the menu in most restaurants every evening, the Schnitzelbänggler travel from pub to pub to give silly speeches and songs.

Tuesday, wilde Fastnet held Beautiful lanterns of the day are displayed on the main square and Gugge Musik Konzerte held on Wednesday, the last parade is organized and the whole party is People go to work, stores opened up and the various groups begin practicing for celebrations next year.
Fried deep Donuts Center Stage for Take Tuesday German Gras.
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Festivals and recipes German Carnival, German, carnival, festivals, recipes.