Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Fasching is a big celebration in Germany Switzerland Austria

12 Strange Places in the Alps

If you are in Germany during Fasching, you'll Many streets come to life with colorful parades, loud music and parties in every corner.
Even if you have known Carnival in New Orleans for Mardi Gras, it is still much to learn about how the German-speaking countries do.
Here are five frequently asked questions about the festival throughout Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
In fact, a better question would be What Fasching, Karneval, Fastnacht, Fasnacht and Fastelabend.
They are one and the same pre-Lent festivities celebrated in great, especially in predominantly Catholic regions of German speaking countries.

The Rhine has its Karneval Austria, Bavaria and Berlin called Fasching and celebrate German-Swiss Fastnacht.
Fasching officially starts in most parts of Germany, on November 11 to November 11 hours or the next day Dreikönigstag Three Kings Day, so Jan. 7 However, the big bash celebrations are not on the same date given annually location, date varies depending when Easter falls Fasching Fasching culminates in the week beginning the week before ash Wednesday.
Shortly after the Fasching season opens, a fictional government Zünfte eleven guilds elected, as well as a Carnival Prince and Princess, who essentially provide the carnival festivities The biggest events take place the week before Ash Wednesday following .
Weiberfastnacht This is mainly an event in Rhineland Thursday before Ash Wednesday The day starts with women storming in and symbolically taking the town hall then, women throughout the day snip off the ties of men and embrace everyone who passes their way the day ends with people going to places and local bars in costume.
Parties, celebrations and parades People celebrate in costume at various community events and individual carnival festivities of carnival parades abound It is the weekend for people to live upwards.

Rosenmontag The biggest and most popular carnival parades take place on the Monday before Ash Wednesday These parades are mostly from the Rhineland People in all German-speaking countries will tune to watch the largest parade of German Carnival all that held in Cologne.
Fastnachtsdienstag Besides the parades that take place that day, you have the burial or burning Nubbel A Nubbel is a straw-size doll that embodies all the sins committed during the Carnival season was buried or burnt with great ceremony Tuesday evening before everyone parties more time to the finish on ash Wednesday.
Fasching celebrations from various beliefs and traditions for Catholics, it provided a festive season of food and fun before the Lenten fasting period began in the late Middle Ages, parts were made during the period Lent called Fastnachtspiele.
In pre-Christian times, the Carnival celebrations symbolized the conduct of the winter and all evil spirits from which the masks to frighten the spirits of carnival celebrations in southern Germany and Switzerland reflect these traditions .

In addition, we carnival traditions that can be traced to historical events After the French Revolution, the French took over Rhineland in protest against French oppression, Germans Cologne and its surroundings make fun of their political leaders and safely behind masks during the Carnival season Even now politicians from cartoons and other personalities can be seen boldly portrayed on floats in parades.

Fasching is a big celebration in Germany Switzerland Austria, Fasching, celebration, germany.