Sunday, May 21, 2017

Cuomo censorship Orders Man in the High Castle Ads

84 Lumber Super Bowl Commercial - The Journey All

Ads With Nazi imagery taken from the New York subway, the bland title Associated Press announced the first line of the story was as boring and passive.
An advertising campaign that featured Nazi imagery was taken from the New York subway system.
The advertising campaign is new show for the man in the High Castle, which is based on Philip K Dick alternate history of an early 1960s in the United States who lost the Second World War from Amazon.
Nazi control much of the east as Japan rules the Pacific States The Rocky Mountains are something of an area outside the law called the neutral territory.
The show at the pace slow but captivating offers Rufus Sewell as ruthless SS Obergruppenführer repressing the resistance movement with shocking efficiency and brutality There is no freedom in the dystopian country that shows how precious freedom of speech, religion and assembly really are.

The ads show for packing seats in New York Subways They have an American flag with an eagle and German iron crosses instead of stars There is also a flag with the Imperial Japanese imagery Crimes against humanity by the Nazis during World War II were so horrible that Sá pretty shocking thing to see when entering a subway car and Democratic mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio complaints he called dispatched advertising campaign irresponsible and offensive and called for their withdrawal.
Amazon pulls Nazi TV advertising campaign for the man at the top New York metro castle Independent The Independent November 25, 2015.
The advertising campaign was approved by the Metropolitan Transit Authority, of course, but Amazon has agreed to remove the ads after pressure from government officials.
But you have to get to the end of The Associated Press who has to actually learn pulled the ads from the subway and controversy about a show about the dangers of fascist totalitarianism, the answer may surprise you.
The officials confirmed Wednesday that Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered them removed.
You know who else limited speech in public places.

Cuomo closely monitoring the Metropolitan Transit Authority, then it's taken authority over these decisions.
But the story could not be more interesting fascism is so bad that the governing authority shall decide what is acceptable commercial speech in public spaces Governor control ads is drawn exactly the kind of government controls the issuance sets guard against.
Yet the Associated Press, which would have almost no trouble connecting the dots between government control of artistic and commercial speech and a fictional television program about the dangers of totalitarianism if a curator had orders can t even manage to put this information in the lede in its history.
S hope the rest of the country is able to distinguish between 1 alt-history books and the actual calls for fascism and 2 are too skeptical of the government brought in speech control in a public place.

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is a senior writer at The Federalist Follow her on Twitter at mzhemingway.
Copyright 2017 The Federalist, a completely independent division of FDRLST Media, All rights reserved.

Cuomo censorship Orders Man in the High Castle Ads, Cuomo, high castle.