Saturday, April 22, 2017

Car safety rules in military Germany Germany Travel Tips for American families Lifestyle

Key & Peele - Retired military specialist

Germany and most other EU countries has strict rules on child car seats It is imperative to keep infants and young children as safe as possible when traveling in a motor vehicle can be found printed regulations specific about car seats under paragraph 1a in the regulation of traffic published by the German government it states that children under twelve years with less than 150 cm height must use a car seat with a seat belt when in a vehicle.
Therefore, if your child is over 12 years but still 150cm, they are not required by law to use a car seat The same principle applies to those who are over 150 cm tall, but under 12. However, in such cases, it is still recommended that additional precautions are taken to secure the safe child seat child seats are of course subject to vigorous safety tests and must pass a security product testing ECE 44 for sale to the public if you have to buy a brand of car seat you that he has this test seal affixed in some way, otherwise it can be dangerous and illegal this is an area that you will definitely want to not take shortcuts; you could pay the price in many other ways if the safety seat fail All new car seats sold in stores and online should have been through the standard security test, however, if you make the acquisition or purchase of a second hand seat sure to check if it has gone through the same tests Some older models do not have to go through such testing before being released to the public.
Another consideration to make is whether the car seat class for your child There are 4 different classes of car seats in Germany CNC 0 to 3 The difference between classes is down to the weight and the direction of travel that is a breakdown of the classes is below.
One thing to remember when looking at the specifications is that these lines are the maximum weight and you'll want to leave a little room for physical growth of your child as well.
There are also some considerations regarding the positioning of a car seat, it is against the law to have a car seat that is rear facing in a front passenger seat While the air bag inflates children inevitably suffer in the best position to put a car seat in the back of the car; this means that the child will be on the sidewalk opposite side of the parked car is also important to make sure you attach the seat correctly, it is quite easy to hold the seat in place incorrectly without realizing it Make sure the handle is in the correct position and always follow the instructions on the seat.

This guide is provided by Intelligent Car Leasing a car rental company in the UK that provides various brands of German cars, including Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen.

Car safety rules in military Germany Germany Travel Tips for American families Lifestyle, seat, rules, Germany Travel.