Friday, April 14, 2017

car names

H to M | Car Transport Cars Brand names for street children names Vehicles Toy Cars

QUESTION 4 Do you or someone you know have a name for your car is and what, if any, why the given name.
This was probably our favorite question in this survey - the answers and the reasons vary from person to person, but we have chosen a few common themes below our observations and some of the conclusions we have received If we have also included the explanation of the respondent for their choice of name.
How did we collect this information Visit our inquiry page to learn more.
Naming Trend 1 Appoint a car because of its c o l o r This was the trend of the most common name in our investigation.

Blue For our green Escort My husband is indifferent color.
Rosie ie to note that we had several entries with the name usually used for a red truck.
An orange Jackolantern the van, the antenna on the roof is the shaft.
Pumpkin Mobile Because it was old and orange and very round.
The love for my 1985 sunflower bright yellow sedan.

Bernard because the car was big and brown Tip Think of a St Bernard.
Steve Black because Steven is my boyfriend and the color of my car is black.
Naming Trend 2 Use a male or typically female name female to name your car a random name is chosen or the car is the name of someone they only know a few people named the car themselves.
Other names with an explanation of the person who submitted the name.
Veronica My 11 year old son Ford Aerostar She was always stylish and reliable It seems to respond to loving care.
Chadillac is a Cadillac and the owner's name is pretty clever huh Chad.

Englebert Humperdink 1980 Lemans Safari station wagon need to say more.
Buddy Because he is a good friend takes me where I want to go.
Naming Trend 3 Name your car for his appearance other than color letters that appear on the license plate also played a role in the choice of some of these names.
Clown car is so small and we try a lot of editing of the people in it.
Cliff The license plate begins with the letters CLF.
Maz Because they are the first 3 letters of my license plate.

Fred The car is Nova and it is a tribute to the phrase catch Fred's across fällen Ova Fred.
Herbisha female version of the car in the movie Herbie the Lovebug.
For our GMC Jimmy James and because it's fun to say bring us back to the house, James.
Naming Trend 4 Creatively naming your car because of the brand name or model of the car.
Thumper Named for a VW Rabbit Rabbit A reference to the Disney movie Bambi.

Charlotte I have a convertible Spyder A literary reference to E. B. White book Charlotte's Web.
Alexander Beetle VW Beetle Another literary reference to a poem A A Milne.
My friend Jean Claude Grand Am's now called Jean Claude Grand Am.
I owned a 91 Chevy Cavalier Station Wagon named The Shaggin Wagon and later gave to my younger cousin who appointed the ghetto Grocery Getter.

Assigning a name Trend 5 These names are usually chosen to reflect some of the unique and generally undesirable characteristics or behavior of their automobiles.
The Putt Putt Ol the exhaust pipe is broken and it makes a lot of noise.
Thumper 1988 Nissan began making a loud noise gradually becoming faster after reaching 10 mph.
Scooter This is our 98 Kia Sportage because it is the only car I've ever heard the horn sounds like a little horn Scooter We also have another car named because Sissy scooter needed a big sister .

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Car names, names.