Friday, March 17, 2017

BMW BMW Jokes One Liners Jokes

Популярні відео - A joke line і Стенд-ап

Q How BMW car salesmen it to change your light bulb A It depends on your credit, rental conditions in progress, and the willingness to take a balloon payment.
Q What is the difference between a BMW and a porcupine.
Q What should you do if you find three BMW owners buried up to their necks in cement Get more cement.
What should you do if you find three BMW owners buried up to their necks in cement more cement.

What is the difference between a BMW owner and carp One is a power back, the miller of the foam, and the other is a fish.
According to a new survey 91 percent of people are satisfied with their life remaining 9 percent were BMW owners.
There are two reasons why I don t take my girlfriend to the readers of my longs Beamer One I don not have a girlfriend two I didn BMW.
Then you are in high school and you drive a BMW, you need to know about the work then.

If you see someone driving a BMW, stay away from the research shows that BMW drivers are the rudest on the road.
You want the man who drives a BMW, but your father drives a Toyota Why you be humble t like your mother.
I just saw a BMW driver correctly using its indicators on the A twice Should I report the stolen vehicle.
A girl who swallowed is like owning a BMW, you do not need, but it is nice to have.
A lady walks into a BMW dealership She browses around, spots the top of the Beemer online and running to inspect As she bends down to smell the fine leather upholstery, she inadvertently breaks wind.

Very embarrassed, she looks around nervously to see if anyone noticed her little accident and prays for a person doesn t sell pop-up right now.
As she looks back, his worst nightmare materializes in the form of a seller just behind his cool as a cucumber and displaying complete professionalism, the salesman greets the lady, morning, Madam How can we help you aujourd 'hui very uncomfortable, but hope that the seller can simply not there at the time of her accident, she asked, sir, what is the price of this beautiful vehicle.
He answers, Madam, if you FARTED just touch, you're going to shit when I tell you the price.
A man in his 40s bought a new convertible BMW and was for a good evening drive The top was down, the breeze blowing through what was left of his hair, and he decided to open it.
As the needle jumped up to 90 MPH, he suddenly saw flashing red and blue lights behind him It s no way they can catch a BMW, he thought to himself and further open the needle hit 100, 120 then the reality of the situation hit him.

What I do and he thought shot.
The cop came to him, took his license without a word, and examined the car and it's been a long day, it's the end of my shift, and it's Friday the 13th, I feel like more paperwork, so if you can give me an excuse for your driving that I have not heard it before, you can go.
The guy thought for a second and said, last week my wife ran with a cop, I was afraid you were trying to give her back.
A lawyer opened the door of his BMW, when suddenly a car came and hit the door, completely tearing when the police arrived at the scene, the lawyer complained bitterly damage to his precious BMW.
Officer, look what they did to my Beeemer, he said whiningly.

You are lawyers so materialistic, you make me sick retorted the officer, you're so worried about your stupid BMW, you didn t even notice that your left arm was torn.
Oh my god, replied the lawyer, finally noticing the bloody left shoulder where his arm once was, Where's my Rolex.
Bring me women Weapons Murder Bavarian Motor Wankermobile Born moderately rich Mexican Big Weiner Big Money Waste Break My Windows Black Mans Willy Beats My Wood Borrow My Bother portfolio My Willy Jester Made waste Bust My Waller Blonde Man Wheels Broke My Wallet Brings Me Women Mexican Big wife bought my wife break the mechanical key Beautiful Wonder best bike in the world Bad Mutha Boozedup Moron Wheels Wagon Wheels Black Man Be my wife Wish Black Man Big money Waster Break my Window bring money with you.

BMW BMW Jokes One Liners Jokes, buried their neck, buried their necks cement, burying their owners, the owners have buried their necks.