Wednesday, January 18, 2017

10 fabulous German words no English equivalent

Lost in translation

10 fabulous German words with no equivalent in English.
It is the end of the year, the time for reflection time and we're thinking in all HelloGiggles stories we and you really liked here in 2014 is just one of our faves, which was originally released on May 15 2014 .
Last week, I traveled to Berlin, Germany with one of my best friends in an effort to avoid the absolute sadness that comes with the imminent conclusion of my experience of studying abroad Despite not knowing a sudden my German apologies to anyone who had to bear my not so impressive hand gestures and aggressive score, the trip was a success and we both left feeling more educated and a little more appreciated by our English-speaking countries this does not mean German is rude and in fact, are a handful of fantastic German words that describe life more perfectly than any English word could for example.
1 No Weltschmerz mental depression or apathy caused by comparison of the current state of the world with an ideal state.

They say the grass is greener on the other side, but it is that kind of mentality that causes the grass on your side of the fence to look gray and infested with earwigs is to say the comparison an ideal location for the real life scenario is bound to land you with serious cases Weltschmerz, a word used to describe the disappointment you feel after seeing the inevitable destruction of your unrealistic expectations Thanks for that, all Disney movies ever .
2 Kummerspeck No excess weight gained from emotional overeating.
You can always count on the Germans to be literal and they do not disappoint kummerspeck, the exact translation of this phrase is the bacon pain As I bombed the test on vegetarianism that bad, I need to cure bacon Other food my pain as possible substitutes include candy, ice cream, bath cookie dough tubs of cookie dough, and carrots, for you all healthy eaters stress that put the rest of us shame.
3 n Torschlusspanik fear, usually when you get older, that time is short and important occasions are overshadowing.
Imagine you are 26, you are living with your parents and struggling to maintain employment assistant underpaid, meanwhile, your best friends are landing the positions of Chief Executive Officer and securing future husbands Nothing happens according to the 5-year plan that you made during your year of college, and you can t help shake the feeling that someone accidentally clicked fast forward on your life such despair is known as torschlusspanik, meaning the fear of closing the door.
4 Fremdschämen n almost horror you feel when you notice that someone is unconscious of how they really embarrassing.

The only thing worse than being in a quandary watching someone get into an embarrassing situation and be powerless to stop Grandparents and characters from the TV series are usually the worst offenders and obliviousness to evoke fremdschamen most likely, or cathartic sense of pain you witness someone else make a fool of themselves.
Rather than try to explain what backpfeifengesicht means, I will instead provide a list of people who might have a face that is just asking to be punched.
Teens who complain of terrible Christmas gifts they got, like cars.
People who tattoo their significant other's name on their face or anywhere.
6 n Erklärungsnot the state having to explain quickly.

Erklarungsnot refers precisely when you are caught with your hand in the cookie jar and have to explain with only a split second to think Unless you are a good liar, the erklarungsnot results are usually amazing and ridiculous, as my dog ​​ate my homework or I did not streak by the grocery store was illegal.

10 fabulous German words no English equivalent, fabulous, German, words, English.