Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Trabantimino The art of building a Lowrider Trabant The New York Times

Tours DDR Trabant relive the experience

The Trabantimino The art of building a Lowrider Trabant.
By Tamara Warren August 19, 2010 October 15 19 August 2010 10 h 15 hours.
Tamara Warren for The New York Times Liz Cohen, an artist in Detroit, is the construction of an El Camino with a Trabant.
Liz Cohen, a photographer from Detroit and performance artist, immersion in a project is essential to his art for an early photo shoot, she spent four years documenting the world of workers in Panama transgender sex.
More recently, she found herself absorbed in the automotive world.
In 2002 she began building a lowrider a Trabant in 1987 and 1973 Chevrolet The Trabantimino, as she calls it, has since been a work in progress of a part of the art and sculptural installation custom build functional part has been eight years of immersion in the heart of the American automobile culture in which own self-transformation Ms. Cohen has played an important role.

I wanted to design a project in which I could participate in the culture, she said.
Ms. Cohen bought the Trabant, the German car decried the East, during a trip to Berlin in 2002, it led to Stuttgart and caressed the idea of ​​using a kit to make a custom convertible Then she decided she wanted to cut back on, but the idea continued to grow.
Much has changed over time with what I do, she said.
She sent the Trabant in Oakland, California, and has set up his first studio in a store lowrider there When it closed, she moved her operation to Elwood Body Works in Scottsdale, Ariz in 2004, she organized a salon automotive and became employed in the Southwest growing secondary market it was she settled down on its ultimate vision to make a real lowrider his Trabant.
Ms. Cohen matching the Trabant, the only car within the reach of many people in the former East Germany, with the El Camino lowrider 1973 offers a juxtaposition of American immigrant cultures it a mechanical tale curious East meets West.

In 2008, Ms. Cohen has accepted a teaching position of photography at the Cranbrook Academy of Art and moved its base in the Detroit area, she met Tom Peters, the founder of General Motors, who headed its current workshop, Kustom Creations a __gVirt_NP_NN_NNPS<__ magasin de voiture personnalisée animée en Sterling Heights, où elle cuisine le lundi midi en échange de l'utilisation d'une grande plaque de surface quadrillée les propriétaires de magasins lui ont appris quelques trucs du métier, y compris les nuances de soudage TIG.
Quand elle a pris le projet, Mme Cohen était pas t beaucoup d'un gearhead, mais dans le processus, elle s devenir un fabricant bien informé, avec des compétences de soudage considérables que j'ai fait 99 pour cent du travail, dit-elle, mais j'ai eu beaucoup d'aide et orientation.
Elle est dans le magasin six jours par semaine, la tête couverte aux pieds funk moteur et de graisse, travaillant aux côtés de construction mécanique Racecars La finition métallique est ce qui consomme son moment, à perfectionner sa palette de chrome avec une teinte Trabant traditionnelle, pâteuse Papyrus Weiss être appliqué de manière uniforme sur les parties hydrauliques.
Pour compléter sa vision, Mme Cohen a modifié l'empattement, la longueur et le moteur, et travaille avec acharnement à Kustom Creations sur la touche de finition à travers l'été, elle devrait montrer la voiture dans une exposition personnelle au Salon 94 en Octobre.
Elle est tout à fait spécifique sur le processus de construction, en utilisant seulement G M et des pièces Trabant Si elle peut t trouver la partie droite, elle fabrique elle le résultat sera une Trabant qui se prolonge sur toute la longueur d'un El Camino en appuyant simplement sur un bouton.
Je suis vraiment construire une voiture, elle a dit que ce n'est pas un système GM ou un système Trabant Tout est fait dans certains rond-point, bizarrement, je veux la voiture à conduire bien que je ne veux un silencieux qui s pendaient sur le cadre Il s non pour ce manuel.

It is not using a real El Camino for construction, but rather rely on the dimensions and mechanics of the car as a guide for the ideal lowrider She built the chassis of a Chevrolet S10 pickup which totaled wheelbase the El Camino.
I cut the front end and saved the rear axle, Ms. Cohen said she installed the wiring in the beam, made a new steering column and dashboard and added hydraulic plumbing, among dozens of changes she created the hard part is to get labor hydraulic parts comes and goes and for all aligned panels, she said it Sá domino effect if something is really off, it is off.
She added My work has always been focused on the process, and that art which many feel has it his whole story with all suspension changes and the mega-plating, it was a lot of structural work I to look like jewelry that's nice, he should look no wells, no scratches.

The Trabantimino The art of building a Lowrider Trabant The New York Times, trabantimino, building, Trabant.