Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Refugees rescue antirefugee German politics after a car accident the Washington Post

The crisis of European refugees and Syria Explained

German political refugee rescue anti-refugee after car accident.
Less than a week before the Islamic State militants bombed Brussels killing at least 31 people and raising fears again about refugees in Europe, a story much more hope of a, perhaps, for forgetting played on the green hills of Friedberg, a German town of 28,000 north of Frankfurt there, a right-wing politician known for his anti-refugee rhetoric and sometimes called crashed neo-Nazi his car into a tree, was stunned and was rescued by two Syrian refugees.
The report of the March 16 accident Stefan seemed Jagsch first surface in the output new German Frankfurter Rundschau and was confirmed by Der Spiegel reported by the Associated Press The cause of the accident was not known; it was reported Jagsch was seriously injured refugees who came to his aid, who happened to pass the scene of the accident in a bus after Jagsch hit the tree, has not been identified, but would have drawn Jagsch the car, provided first aid and waited with him until an ambulance arrived they were gone when police arrived.
In a Facebook post, Jagsch a 29-year-old member of the Democratic anti-immigrant National Party NDP who published statements such as the boat is full and integration is genocide on his Facebook page, as reported Bild said that it could not confirm t that men who helped him were refugees.
I can not say anything about it, because I was not aware at the time of recovery, a translation of his post read so I can not confirm that he was a Syrian refugee who pulled me out of the vehicle nor belie for this reason, I give no opinion on the issue Jagsch said health reasons prevented him from further comment, but the Guardian reported the Syrians have said the fire Jagsch was conscious when they helped of the car.

Back Sirians socorren el of neo-Nazi Politic Stefan Jagsch DPN Despres greu of a transport accident.
Jean Christoph Fiedler, a leader of the NDP, said Jagsch was still in the hospital but doing well, considering the circumstances Fiedler would also thanked the refugees for their very good human actions for the NDP, it was praised high the party does not hesitate to express his low opinion of some 1 million refugees who entered Germany last year.
It is quite naive to believe that no Islamist terrorists among the many people who were allowed to enter largely uncontrolled, translation party website read by terrorist attacks Islamists in Europe have highlighted the danger brings mass immigration for internal security.
Earlier this month, the NDP made headlines when it was reported highest court of Germany, and not for the first time, considering the ban of the party, which has about 5200 members, received 1 5 percent of the vote in 2009 general elections in Germany Although it has a seat in the European Parliament, it has no seats in the German Bundestag, or national parliament.

Although German Chancellor Angela Merkel called the NDP anti-democratic party, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-constitutional and government supports the recent effort to ban the party, she said she is skeptical about its possible effects .
A ban NDP shouldn t give anyone the illusion that it only to extreme right enemies of democracy, she said in 2013. It is very important that we daily renew support for the rule of law and freedom, courage and against sectarianism and racism.
A previous attempt to ban the NPD was made in 2003 after the murder of 10 people, most of them Turkish, by suspected neo-Nazis In 2014, the Huffington Post said the NDP's one of the scariest far-right parties in the European Parliament now.
The NPD neo-Nazi campaigned on a platform of halting immigration and was called racist and anti-Semitic, he wrote They fought under the banner of slogans such as money for grandma instead of Sinti and Roma and the boat is full, data interviews insisting that Europe is a continent of white and marched with banners proclaiming the Nazi ideology of National socialism.

Last year, the German broadcaster DW reported on the phenomenon nipster German neo-Nazis adopting a new look for shaved heads and millennials bombers are off, it seems.
Our goals have not changed, spokesman Klaus Beier said the NDP, but of course, we try to carry our policy to various social portals He added We were elected in part by 18- to 24 We speak their language.

Refugees rescue antirefugee German politics after a car accident the Washington Post, refugees, rescue, German politician.