Thursday, November 10, 2016

Project MUSE On the streets of Divine Love

Muse - Uprising [Official Video]

Instead of a summary, here is a brief extract of the content.
58 The Dream of the Red Cross Drink This story begins, as they so often do, with grief I'm at a party for a young man whose wife left him, so he's dropping out of studies than to join the Navy There is a lot of desperation in the meeting, the young man s and poor students and, of course, mine, which has less to do with money and more to do with time , which is short in case you haven t noticed, and then there's the red drink Our host seems like it just came out of a Trollope novel, a cleric of the nineteenth century, rotund in rumpled chinos and a tee shirt he and a friend drove to Georgia to buy grain alcohol and mixed with red Kool-aid in a styrofoam container on the back porch later when the party is famous, I hear the drink red ate through the Styrofoam, but it was not discovered that lend Emain or maybe next week, when the heads had finally cleared My host warns me against drinking plenty I t, but I drink enough, I do not know anyone that by ty but the red drink me makes intrepid I talk to many people, making jokes, see God How many times can you see God before making her face is different every time is it a revelation Maybe I not only see God, but I 59 see through it to the other side, though probably his vision of brain matter being sloughed off, and I have a one-on-one with my most persistent epiphany, that is, life is nothing, nothing , nada, niente I find comfort in knowing that the world is transparent, without substance, without I think to the assertion of Niels Bohr there is no deep reality, and I know exactly what he wants say I'm looking through the woman I speak, to see through it to the soft bank azalea bushes behind Sá nice effect, like a double exposure My husband was at this party, but I avoid it for some reason I can not really remember Oh, I remember but it is too cumbersome to develop here I look at this man I love madly and I wonder how he can be so fully dense, and I know that if I say all he will say that I had too much to drink, which is quite correct, and that ys alcoholism in my family, but show me a family that has no drinker or two My beloved is in a group of students who think that beautiful it is wonderful, it is to wait a minute, girls, I could tell you things, but the red drink became ethereal on me, and it is half past two in the morning and the young man who s join the navy is delirious or dead, and beautiful students have disappeared in their hovels delighted students 60 we leave and the car seems fragile as cardboard, like Eastern Germany car I saw a documentary a hotel room in Tampa after the Second World War, Eastern didn t have the Germans all steel, so they made compressed cotton wool cars between the organic layers of plastic that has proven to be almost unbiodegradable I look in the night and think, this could be east Berlin, unless of course isn t, unless Olias magnetic and huge oaks dripping with Spanish moss were seen on Alexanderplatz But we are moving and I'm sitting in my seat, pulled through the night like a magnet at an intersection where I see a black Oldsmobile low will be a red light and plow into my side of our fragile German car and the metaphysical and physical worlds will come to some sort of decision about my body frame, and I think maybe Maybe I do not want to walk into that good night for now I say to my husband, black car is not going to stop, and it slows down, even if we have the green light, because I am entitled to my voice the authority given me by the red drink; in fact, I think the red drink made me psychic, because the black car.
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Project MUSE On the streets of Divine Love, project, muse, love.