Thursday, October 6, 2016

Los Angeles and Beverly Hills MBZ West Garage

BMW mbz Volvo automobile repair the - Johann # 39; s Auto Service Beverly Hills - ASE & certified factory

Discover the type of personalized service and care, with extreme value, which is at the dealership We stand behind our quality work repairing your BMW and Mercedes We treat your car as a luxury investment that is located in the heart of Los Angleles, Neary Beverly Hills, MBZ West on your route to the service easily your car We take care of our customers and take care of their repairs efficiently, going behind that most stores do if your vehicle needs major repairs, body work, or just a lightbulb replacement, we look forward to seeing you we will ensure that your car is fixed right away in the most affordable manner, we strive to give you on the road with your car fixed right the first time Check our Reviews page and see what people have told us we are better q eu Mercedes your average store.
MBZ West, Inc. In Los Angeles, California, is an experienced, honest, and a shop that offers extreme value for the service and repair We are able to serve many German and import models, specializing in Mercedes, BMW, mini and Smart car Repair Our shop is conveniently located in the heart of Beverly Hills an easy drive from Santa Monica, and serve many customers from Culver City, Brentwood and surrounding towns.
If you are tired of the dealer and looking for a more personalized, efficient, reasonable and practical for your Mercedes or BMW, please visit our Mercedes Benz and BMW independent repair shop.
Curious about special offers, coupons, discounts and more Please feel free to contact us on Facebook and Google, or send us an email, we want to hear from you and love our customers YOURSELF us know if you have a question.
MBZ West has the tools, resources and capabilites to diagnose your Mercedes and BMW While it is a Check Engine Light or problems, feel confident that we can take care of your needs.
You will be impressed and our automotive service center very organized and clean We know that this is important to our customers and strive to pay attention to detail.

Kevin Khedsian, owner and technician MBZ West, near Beverly Hills, knows what an important investment that your vehicle is to you and how important it is in your daily life with extreme care and equity, it takes care of your vehicle as if it were his own.

Los Angeles and Beverly Hills MBZ West Garage, angeles, beverly hills.