Monday, September 19, 2016

How many car insurance if you buy

How much car insurance do I need?

Second, you need enough auto insurance to protect your life turn into hell if you have a car accident can be as easy as buying the minimum coverage Or it can be much more complicated.
We will guide you through our guide trying to do.
Who should purchase minimum levels of auto insurance liability.
Minimum liability is rarely desirable, but if you can afford more, it is better than no insurance.
If you have no savings or assets, the minimum liability coverage may suffice.

In most states the minimum liability required by your state is not enough to pay for serious injury or to replace a newer car, it is just enough to legally drive.
If you only have the clothes on his back and a very old car, you can get with just the minimum levels of liability prescribed by your state that is because you are probably called the test of judgment can lose if someone decides to take you to court to pay for an accident you cause, but you have no real assets to take.
If you have savings or a house or even expensive jewelry and precious objects collection, you are not tested judgment and you need more coverage.
To help you decide how much liability insurance you need, we created three levels of insurance liability as a rough guide to coverage levels offered vary by state and by the insurer Liability insurance will not repair your own car.

The first two numbers refer to bodily injury liability, paying the hospital bills of someone you hurt.
The third is property damage liability limit, which repair or replace the car you hit someone.
50 100 50 This level of coverage is recommended for those who have an older car, few assets, don t and are responsible for much on a tight budget, such as students and retirees who are downsizing .
100 300 100 This is the level most financial experts say is appropriate for middle-income people with a typical level of savings sufficient in most circumstances, the cost of liability insurance, once you bought the basic, not mobile exponentially 100,300,100 increases will not cost twice as much as 50 100 50 in an analysis of levels, found that it costs only 96 more than a year, on average.
250 500 100 If you have an expensive house or saved diligently, you can have millions of value even if you do not consider yourself rich We suggest to complete even this high level of coverage with an umbrella liability policy that covers your protection of 1 million or more, it is relatively cheap.
If you have your own health insurance and you have purchased collision insurance, you might be able to jump hedges for uninsured motorists if your state allows.

It is a good idea to keep the covers uninsured motorists if you can afford because they can minimize your financial loss deductibles and coverage limits.
Your state may require that you purchase the uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage pays your hospital bills if you are hit by an uninsured driver Your state may require only that you be offered this coverage, but allow you to put in low.
If you buy this coverage, it will usually come in the same quantities as your own liability insurance.
Uninsured motorist coverage costs on average 83 per year, according to an analysis of carinsurance rates.
Some states also require uninsured motorist property damage, which usually pays for some - but not all - of damage to your own car, it doesn t cover accidents hit-and-run in most states, however.

Yes, if you can not afford to repair or replace your car.
Yes, if you live in an area prone to flooding, hail, tornadoes or strikes animals.
Comprehensive coverage pays for damage to your car from bad weather, fire, collisions with animals and Collisions flight pays to repair your car if you cause an accident.
This is car insurance for an older car comes in 10 years If your car is under the age of 10, you should consider purchasing comprehensive coverage and collision You must also take out full insurance and collision if your car is 10 years or more, but is more than 3000, or if you can not afford to repair or replace it.

If you owe money on your car, your lender requires you to have collision and comprehensive coverage, which repair or replace your auto liability insurance only pays for the other cars.
You must choose a global collision deductible and loss coverage below this amount is your responsibility to fix.
We recommend that you keep low deductibles while you are still making payments on a car Once the car is paid off, build an emergency fund and increase your deductible for the match.
Full costs on average 172 per year, crash costs an average of 488 per year, according to the analysis of interest rate s.

Do you need medical or personal injury protection.
Yes, if you can not afford or didn savings to live without loss of income due to injury.
Your state, especially if it is a no-fault state, may require that you purchase personal injury protection so that your injuries in a car accident are still covered up to your limits, no matter whose fault the accident was it generally includes coverage for lost wages as well.
Coverage of medical expenses required by some states, but is optional in most, pay medical expenses up to your limits If you do not have your own health insurance coverage, you should consider this coverage If you have a high deductible health plan, medical payments can help pay the deductible.
Personal injury protection costs an average of 198 annual medical costs on average 22 payments per year, according to the analysis of rate s.
To impact and potential savings, we suggest the following steps for drivers trying to save money on their car insurance bill.

Shop You notice that the main rate insurers charge the same driver in the same car can vary by hundreds, even thousands of dollars See how the average car insurance rates can differ a lot in your area by entering your zip code in our tool comparison.
Consider an exclusion from the driver if an appointed member of your household has a high-risk driver history.
Drop collision and comprehensive coverage altogether if you own your car outright.
Drop other optional coverages such as uninsured motorist or medical expenses.

Reduce the amount of liability coverage you purchase.

How many car insurance if you buy, lot, insurance, the cost of the average year.