Wednesday, August 24, 2016

German Council calls for ban on internal combustion cars in 2030 2 Gas

Jeremy Rifkin: "The marginal cost zero Society" | Talks at Google

German Council calls for ban on internal combustion cars in 2030.
Last week, the German Bundesrat approved a resolution calling for a ban on new cars with internal combustion engine by 2030. What this means first of all, the Bundesrat, or council federal, is a deliberative body composed of representatives of all 16 of Germany's states Its resolutions have no second force of law, since Germany is part of the European Union, a law effectively prohibiting sale ICE vehicles should be adopted by the European Commission in third place, Germany is perhaps the most influential member of the EU citizens of other countries won t admit it, but it is true that the Germany said and often becomes the EU policy, sooner or later.
So even if this resolution amounts to little more than an opinion, technically, it is still a sign that the tipping point between classic cars and zero emission approach quickly Germany, home of the autobahn iconic, is rooted in the culture of car it is home to several car manufacturers who are famous worldwide for the construction of high-performance cars Porsche, Audi, BMW and Mercedes Telling these companies, they will not be allowed producing cars with petrol or diesel engines cause a huge change in the automotive world, not only in Germany but worldwide.
Sharp readers will note the eyes proposed ban eliminates plug-in hybrid vehicles and many people assume plug-ins will transition the technology that connects the past and the future of mobility They assumed that it would be 2040 or even 2050 before engine combustion was eventually relegated to the dustbin of history the vote in Germany proposes that each line of time before one or two decades.
Europe is still firmly committed to diesel, largely thanks to government policies in place for the past 40 years in favor of diesel cars A second part of the Bundesrat vote calls for the removal of these policies, ranging from drop taxes on sales of new motor diesel to reduce taxes on diesel the net result is that Europeans were the king of diesel engines If it costs more to buy and drive a diesel engine, which can be more important in getting traditional buyers to switch to zero emission cars as tax abatements and other incentives that cost the central government a lot of money.

The resolution approved by the Bundesrat may be nothing more than a suggestion, but it represents a radical change in the attitude far classic cars and trucks to a future of electric vehicles without tailpipe emissions Impact on German car companies will be profound.
Since German car manufacturers have a strong influence on the world market, a law prohibiting internal combustion cars would have considerable effects in other parts of the world and a change is coming, you can feel it in the air What was normal once will be replaced by something completely new and rapidly produce once the change starts the German Bundesrat says the change has begun.
Steve Hanley I've been a car nut from when Rob Walker and Henry N Manney, III graced the pages of the track route Today I use my faithful Miata for TSD rallies and occasional track day at Lime Rock and Watkins Glen If it moves on wheels, I am interested in this please follow me on Google and Twitter.
Waymo ahead Uber says California Self Driving Study.

Tesla Model 3 SHOULD outsell BMW 3 Series and Mercedes C combined.
So the Germans have actually declared that biofuels, which facilitate internal combustion, are not a climate solution.
These are the same people who brought us the Energiewende which costs 39 cents per kWh in German average relative to the US to 10 cents per kWh.
They can be a solution, but they are not zero emissions Germany has always egg on the face of the emission control of scandal and I think this is the knee jerk reaction for Volkswagen to be continued in bankruptcy court .
The higher price of electricity in Germany is mainly the result of tax which is 50 and not by renewables You must also take into account the ridiculously low price of natural gas in the US than Europe will never see.
Agreed taxes necessitated b c Energiewende If the United States is emulating the Energiewende we will have the same tax and the same cost per kwh.

A tax is a cost Calling a tax does not make me feel better somehow.
And Europe will never see natural gas cheaper than b c he banned hydraulic fracturing.
You are late to cost reductions since January 2016 now puts kwh kwh to 7 cents Please read literature 21st century, not the 20th century to try some green sites instead of petroleum sites to find new information e.
This policy may work in Germany as it is a small country that can be crossed in a few hours of driving, but it will not work here in the US It would take an electric car a week or more to stop for recharging to cross US perhaps if all the electrics had swappable batteries and you can stop at a gas station just exchange your battery for a fully charged battery and on your way politics could work now if the battery technology is to the point where a battery would last through 14 hours of driving, it would be ok then you simply overload night at the hotel.
Then there is the issue of commercial trucks There are no means of electricity will be able to transport a tractor trailer with 10k pounds of freight.

I share your concerns, Bill But Tesla Model S just did a side by side crossing 59 hours.
As for the trucks, the chances of them going electric are low in our view today, but things change and the pace of change accelerates, I understand you, but I think the pessimism in 5 years things are very different about it.
Bill your understanding of long-range electric driving is off the mark Yes, it takes more planning than jumping into an ICE vehicle, but a Los Angeles car NYC is probably about six times more than in an ICE if planned for charging during lunch, dinner, overnight stays, there's hardly worth all over, it becomes easier each month Tesla expands their options for loading and new lengthen end vehicles.
During the life of a car, I bet electric vehicle owners spend a lot less time to charge their cars that pass ICE owners get gas only if we take a long trip should we recharge away from our configuration managed at home during the night so simple.
Assuming that we are all here in 20 years, we my look back at Dieselgate as a turning point that has zero emission vehicles to the masses Most readers here believes that electric vehicles are the inevitable number too and would probably be of agree that if the Euro Electrics committed to now, it can remain a player in the car, but not likely to be the leader.

Leadership is clearly going to Chinese American automakers will focus on truck-based ICE product as long as possible, so that American car buyers will probably end up being provided by the Chinese as US companies again find themselves playing catch up late in the transition to electric equipment.
As for Japan, it is Toyota to decide what he wants to do, you can read their press releases to realize that they are close to their internal tipping point to go electric battery, I think they will succeed, but probably the Chinese path to their own detriment.
Sorry exciting time the United States left behind, except for Tesla, of course.
GDP and the strong US dollar suggest leads; EU revolved around toilets and indebted, corrupt China is stuck in the second.

The US to allocate resources as needed and abroad, now and in the future, b c that's what the market US consumers ultimately benefit if the right to do so by gov.
It's funny that Obama repealed the laws of physics just more evidence of the political class is alive and well.
2030 target for Europe gives a lot of time to reduce the cost of batteries and make electric vehicles cost competitive with ICE, build infrustructure and reduce the charging time, I think the bare minimum, we will see then the EVs with 300 miles of beach real life, costing no more than their diesel equivalents and load capacity to 80 less than 15 minutes if you take into account pollution and the cost of imported oil 1 billion euros per day by the EU and to allow the sale of new cars ICE at this time would be a crime.
Yes, change comes just end billions of fossil fuel subsidies and suddenly people will make the change and love, I look forward to an electric motor that I won t have to change the oil or go the fetid gas stations, or have the timing belt changed, the smog checked, repaired mufflers, radiator repair, etc.

Again nonexistent or expensive subsidies standard confound normal mining industry operating only way to end the subsidies is to end tax income corp I prefer that I any case, why not stop all the subsidies, I would support what would it not end subsidies you hate.
If you are looking for a power forward, Large Market has done is employment; Electrics have therefore earned problem solved Don t need to reduce subsidies or grant them and we don not need gov to pick winners and losers you and millions of consumers will, and I support that right.
China alone negate the benefits of a Europe without engine About 20 of their cities have higher populations than Norway.
The Bundesrat upper house of the German Parliament Federal law respecting the rights of the State requires the consent of the Bundesrat, it is not just a discussion club The Bundesrat may commit a federal law on itself, but it must also pass the lower house, the Bundestag.
Because Germany is part of the European common market, the regulation of products that can and can not be sold should be taken at European level in Germany are not allowed to ban ICE cars on its own as the reason this initiative is not binding it is a call to the European Commission to ban ICE cars.
Last but not least is mainly on Dieselgate The most urgent issue is the climate agreement Paris Europe must dramatically reduce car CO2 emissions to achieve these goals.

So if Germany made a Germanexit, they could prohibit internal combustion engines tomorrow.
And BTW people, why we say the internal combustion engine is someone who sells a car aka external combustion rocket on four wheels.
Re Germanexit Not really the single market and its rules go beyond the EU, Switzerland and Norway are not EU members, but participating in the European Economic Area The UK currently debate whether Brexit means leaving the single market as well.
Would t Brexiteers Germanexiteers and just get together and form their own trade bloc London have zero problems with Germany is throwing gas automobile industry in the crapper more British Mini Coopers gas poses the merrier in Germany should I say.
We say ICE because that is what it is, it uses a highly refined fuel to be burned in a closed combustion chamber, compared to the external combustion that uses any fuel to heat to power a cycle expansion with a sort of liquid or working gas of a motorized pin node steam engine for example.
Thank you for that clarification of very useful information.

I would t discount German vehicle manufacturers are behind the electricity costs push If the battery continues to drop for a few years, they will be cheaper to build it would be already a part of their projections.
Such a settlement would help to overcome internal resistance to change.

German Council calls for ban on internal combustion cars in 2030 2 Gas, German, council, calls, internal.