Sunday, July 17, 2016

East Germany jokes_1

Sabrina Terence never had bananas in East Germany

Jokes East Germany gybes popular German Democratic Republic GDR, also known as East Germany between 1949 and 1990 reflects the concerns of East German citizens and residents Jokes often targeted political figures such as the Socialist Party secretary General Erich Honecker and State Minister of Security Erich Mielke who headed the secret police Stasi 1 components of daily life, such as economic scarcity, relations between the GDR and the Soviet Union and cold war rival United States were also current 2 There were also ethnic jokes highlighting the differences in language and culture between Saxony and central Germany.
What would happen if the desert became no socialist country for some time and there would be a shortage of sand.
How can you use a banana as a compass Place a banana on the Berlin Wall The end reminds bitten East.
A citizen control a Trabant car seller told to return to pick up the nine years that the customer demand I go in the morning or evening when you are joking, aren t you No, not at all what it is I just need to know if the plumber can come to 15 hours or not.
Erich Honecker gives an award to the head of the Stasi Erich Mielke 1980.
What are the three great nations of the world begin with U - U SA, U SSR and DDR German ur USA, UdSSR, DDR Unsere This allusion to how the official discourse often used the expression of our GDR, and often exaggerated the global status of the GDR Was die sind drei großen Nationen der Welt mit U beginnend USA UDSSR, und unsere DDR.

A teacher from the school requires little Fritzie Fritzchen, why you always speak of our Soviet brothers It is of Soviet friends Well, you can always choose your friends.
Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man What socialism under socialism, it is exactly the opposite of Ausbeutung Kapitalismus ist die Menschen durch den Menschen und wie ist es mit dem Sozialismus Da ist es genau umgekehrt.
How can you say that the Stasi bugged your apartment is a new cabinet and a trailer with a generator in the street This is an allusion to the primitive state of microelectronics East Germany.
Honecker and Mielke are discussing their hobbies Honecker I collect ich sammele all the jokes on me Mielke Well, we have almost the same hobby I Round up ich ein sammele figuratively all those who tell jokes in comparison with a similar joke Russian politics.
Why do Stasi agents are such good taxi drivers as you get in the car and they already know your name and where you live.

Why the Stasi work together in groups of three you need one that can read, can write, and one third to keep an eye on the two intellectuals.
Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev locked in a kiss mouth to mouth with Honecker.
Early morning Honecker gets to his desk and opened his window, he greets the sun, saying hello, my dear Hello Sun, dear Erich Honecker works, then at noon, he goes to the window and said Hello, dear Sun good day, dear Erich evening, Erich calls a day and head once more to the window, and said good evening, dear nothing hearing sun, Honecker said again good evening, dear sun question What retorts sun Kiss my ass I am now in Western Oscar-winning 2006 the lives of others.
What's the difference between Honecker and a phone No Hang up and try again This is a pun on the German words aufhängen, neuwählen means both hang up the phone and dial again and again and hang the vote.
Leonid Brezhnev is asked what his opinion Honecker is, politically, I have not a lot of respect for him, but he certainly knows how to kiss.

What is the best feature of a Trabant is a rear heater to keep your hands warm when you're pushing it.
What 601 for German stand, 601 is read as six hundred.
600 ordered cars, and one had it delivered.
1990, 600 cars on lot dealer, and a single customer.

Space for 6 people, zero comfort, and to push it.
How can you catch a Trabi Just stick chewing gum on the road allusion to a low power motor of the Trabant.
What is the longest car market Trabant, 12 meters long 2 meters from the car, more than ten meters smoke.
The doorbell rings the woman of the house goes to the door and quickly returns, looking rather surprised Dieter He's a man outside who just demand Tatü Tatü tata tata is onomatopoeia for the sound of a police car siren Dieter goes to the door and back laughter is my colleague from Saxony asking to Dieto Ist da da der Dieter Dieter is it in Saxon dialect.
Ben Lewis, Hammer and Tickle A cultural history of communism London Pegasus 2010.
Ben Lewis, tickling Hammer Prospect Magazine May 2006.

Ben Lewis, Hammer and Tickle A cultural history of communism London Pegasus 2010.
Ben Lewis, tickling Hammer Prospect Magazine May 2006.
Of Wroblewsky Clement; Jost, Michael 1986 Wo wir sind ist vorn der politische Witz in der DDR oder die verschiedenen Feinheiten BZW Grobheiten einer echten Volkskunst Where we are is the Front Political Joke GDR or Delicacy and Cruelty true art Folk German Rasch und Röhring ISBN 3-89136-093-2 CS1 maint link unrecognized language.
Franke, Ingolf 2003 Das Volk vom Grosse für das Volk The Great Book of jokes by the people, for the people in German WEVOS ISBN 3-937547-00-2 CS1 maint link Unrecognized language.
Franke, Ingolf 2003 Das zweite Buch The second big Grand jokes book in German WEVOS ISBN 3-937547-01-0 CS1 maint link Unrecognized language.
Rodden, John 2002 Repainting the Little Red Schoolhouse A history of education in East Germany, 1945-1995 Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-511244-X.

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East Germany jokes_1, east, germany, many an unrecognized language, many a link of the unrecognized language.