Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Beaulieu History A brief history of Beaulieu

Beaulieu Vineyard - Rutherford, California

Recorded history begins with creating Beaulieu Abbey Beaulieu because he was around the abbey founded in the village cluster in 1204 on land donated by King John, Beaulieu Abbey was built for Cistercian monks whose order from France in 1098 Construction lasted more than 40 years to complete - the dedication was in 1246, long after the death of John, in the presence of his son, Henry III the new king.
But for the monks, life Beaulieu Abbey had to come to an abrupt end in 1538 when Henry VIII has major religious houses in Beaulieu Abbey private property passed by the sale to Sir Thomas Wriothesley, later to become the first Earl of Southampton, and most of the buildings, including the abbey church, were demolished - stones and lead the abbey were reused in the construction of Calshot Castle and Hurst Castle.
Great Gatehouse interior, however, was transformed, enlarged and rebuilt to Palace House, now the home of Lord and Lady Montagu; while the monks refectory Choir became a parish church of Beaulieu.
A similar sequence of events was reflected in much of the country - the acquisition of monastic sites by members of the court, dissolution officials and the new rich of the king; almost immediate demolition, at least in part, to provide the profit from the sale of construction materials and probably also to ensure that no return to religious communities; and conversion of the elements remains in secular homes.
Outside Gatehouse, a structure dating from the 14th century can still be seen, however, beside the road just north of Beaulieu Mill - it is close to where the road crosses the river.
Impressive proof of Beaulieu Abbey lay agricultural efforts can be seen in St Leonards, 6 km 3 miles southeast of Beaulieu, where the ruins of a huge barn stand 13 or 14th century by road for Thought be one of the most important England, it was 210 feet long and 70 feet wide, and had a capacity of million cubic feet nearby, and the same age, are St Leonards Grange, now much changed; and the ruins of St Leonards Chapel None of them are open to the public.

Also located about 6 kilometers from Beaulieu, Sowley pond owes its existence to Beaulieu Abbey monks who dammed two small streams to create a fish-pond today a haven for wildlife, peace and quiet is broken by the car from time to time on the small side road, but it was not always so, for a nearby ironworks operated in the early 17th to the early 19th century, using the pond water bellows high furnace power.
Sowley Pond is visible from the minor road, but there is no public access.
Beaulieu Mill view from the path near Hard Buckler.
Beaulieu Mill was also fed by the water, in this case, however, provided by the tide and the return outlet to the sea of ​​the mill pond nearby, which was created specifically for this purpose by the monks the abbey.
Located on Beaulieu Bridge, the current structure of three stories is a mix of ages, reflecting centuries of repair, reconstruction and modification - although standing on medieval foundations, the mill has survived many fabric 17th century a mechanical arrangement largely 18th century, last updated at the end of the 19th century.

Corn continued to grind here until the early 20th century, after which the mill was used to produce animal feed until about 1942.
Belonging to the Beaulieu Estate, the mill is one of a few surviving relatively intact tide mills in Britain, but it is unlikely he will ever return to full working order it has, however, recently been the subject of extensive repairs and restoration work - as much as possible using local character similar to the original material - after fire in 2006 much of the machinery factory continues to remain in situ and the building was largely returned to its pre-fire condition, even if part, to the rear of the structure, is now used as office accommodation.
Montagu Arms Hotel is located near the mill An original inn on the site dating from the 16th century, when it was known first as the ship, then George The old building was replaced by the 18th century, and in 1742 is the current name now, many draped in vines, the inn was substantially rebuilt in 1887 88, and a wing was added in 1926.
The late 18th century Richardson, the King and Beaulieu driver map shows a remarkably similar village in the layout to today, except of course for the modern bypass that allows traffic to avoid the narrow High Street where timeless range mainly from the 17th, 18th and 19th century, richly mellow brick properties line the road Many show the name or the license plate, three diamonds vertically aligned boldly marked red, indicating the property by the Beaulieu Estate.
Cottages for Buckler hard. Copyright Charlotte Leaper

Buckler Hard, a small hamlet on the west bank of the Beaulieu River, is 3 25 km 2 miles below the village Beaulieu Here, away from the hustle and bustle of modern life, two rows of small red brick houses are face a wide extravagantly partial gravel, grass passage part extending perpendicularly to the shore.
Hard Buckler or Montagu city as it was originally to be known, has, however, a long and difficult history conceived in the first half of the 18th century by John, 2nd Duke of Montagu, he was to be a regulation of shipbuilding, and landing site and the refinery for sugar imported from Caribbean plantations.
But the risk of sugar failed and the harbor would be eventually taken over by Henry Adams who built many great wooden ships of the day Indeed, between 1753 and 1809 no fewer were built and put forty-three ships war in Buckler's hard, including remarkable ships used by the navy Horatio Nelson during the Napoleonic wars Three of these ships - Agamemnon 1781, 64 guns, Euryale, 1803, 36 guns and Swiftsure 1804 74 guns - took part in the famous victory at the battle of Trafalgar in October 1805 to the twenty-seven British ships led by Nelson defeated a combined fleet of thirty-three French and Spanish ships Remarkably, the Franco-Spanish fleet lost twenty two ships, while not a single British ship was lost.
Hard Buckler is fully accessible to the public and is accessible by a walk in delightful river passing old brick Beaulieu Estate; and drive along South Hampshire narrow streets.
To learn more about the fascinating history of Beaulieu as revealed on the old maps.
New Forest ponies, cattle, pigs, sheep and donkeys are popular part of the New Forest scene, but in 2015, 55 were killed on the roads.

March flower celandine Lesser illuminate forests and edges moors Deer are in same-sex flocks, males at that time still separate due Curlew return to the coast to breed in and around the New Forest over wetlands butterflies Vulcan are increasingly seen on sunny days.
April Redstarts are among the many return long distance migratory birds that arrive in April large red dragonflies prey on the wing, the first of many species will soon be visible in the New Forest bluebells flower, sometimes in large numbers in the ungrazed forests Badger cubs first appear above ground towards the end of the month.
New Forest which is about - a small selection of events and local activities.
All March 2017 to March until Sunday, April 2 - New Forest Center, Lyndhurst, Special Exhibition creative Forest 10 0:00 - 3: 30 pm Monday, 6 - Burley Village Hall, Movie Night, 7 pm Wednesday 15 30 - Lyndhurst Community Center , New Forest Art Society, 7 pm 30 visitors entering home April 00 Friday, 24 - Brockenhurst Village hall, the night of the film - A Cat Street named Bob, 7 h 30 - 10 h 30.

Monday 3 April 2017 - Burley Village Hall, Movie Night, 7 pm 30 Saturday, April 8 to Sunday 11 June - Exbury Gardens, Four Seasons Art Exhibition 10 0:00 - 5 24:00 Tuesday 11 - Bolderwood Eggtravaganza, Forestry Commission event 11 0:00 - 3 Sunday 12 hours 23 - Exbury Gardens, devoted to day Dogs 10 0:00 - 24:00 View 5 what is the program.

Beaulieu History A brief history of Beaulieu, Beaulieu, history, Village Hall Film.